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712 Found

  Pubblication type  Paper International Journal with referee (244 records; click here to hide/show)
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Parametrization of self-consumption and self-sufficiency in Renewable Energy Communities: a case study application
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Carlo Petrovich, Samuele Branchetti, Gianluca D’Agosta, Parametrization of self-consumption and self-sufficiency in Renewable Energy Communities: a case study application, Energy, Ecology and Environment (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40974-025-00353-z
Keywords Energy Community, Renewable energy sources, Renewable Energy Communities, Solar energy, REC, RES

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Predicting the impact of public events and mobility in Smart Cities
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Elena Bellodi, Riccardo Zese, Carlo Petrovich, Angelo Frascella, Francesco Bertasi "Predicting the impact of public events and mobility in Smart Cities" IET Smart Cities. 1-23 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1049/smc2.12087
Repository reference DI213-016
Keywords Smart City, Mobility, Data Model, Artificial Intelligence

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Set up and test of an anticoincidence system for the detection of radioactive xenon by gamma spectrometry system
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Journal of Environmental Radioactivity (2023), 259-260, 107107.

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ICP-MS triple quadrupole as analytical technique to define trace and ultra-trace fingerprint of extra virgin olive oil
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Food Chemistry (2023), 402, 134247
Keywords Traceability; Extra virgin olive oil; ICP-MS-QQQ; Rare earth element

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The mural paintings of the cloister in the Certosa di Calci, Pisa
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 43 (2022) 103461
Keywords Painting; Degradation; SEM-EDS; XRF; Micro-Raman

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PV self-consumption and self-sufficiency for household and office users: The lockdown effects during the COVID-19 pandemic
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Branchetti, S., Petrovich, C., Naldi, R., Paponetti, I.M., Paolucci, F., Nigliaccio, G. (2022). PV self-consumption and self-sufficiency for household and office users: The lockdown effects during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 659-667. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsdp.170231
Repository reference DI450-023
Keywords electric consumption, energy, load curve, lockdown, smart working, electrical storage, photovoltaic

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Petrographic investigations on stone materials of modern mosaic tiles
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Journal of Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences (2022), 6(3), 721-724.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32474/JAAS.2022.06.000236

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Microstructure, chemistry, and mineralogy approach for the diagnostics of metallic finds of the Tomba della Biga (Adria, Italy)
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Applied Sciences, 12(22), (2022) 11365.

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Microanalytical Determinations to Distinguish Maiolica and Mezza Majolica Ceramics from Faenza (Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy)
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Heritage, 5, (2022) 3515-3529.

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Microanalysis of metal slab used in motorway tunnels to protect concrete and assessment of the state of conservation
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Materials Today Communications, 32, (2022), 104023.
Keywords Metal slab; Corrosion products; SEM-EDS; XRF; Raman spectroscopy.

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Implementing energy transition and SDGs targets throughout energy community schemes
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Francesca Cappellaro, Gianluca D’Agosta, Piero De Sabbata, Felipe Barroco, Claudia Carani, Alberto Borghetti, Luca Lambertini , Carlo Alberto Nucci, "Implementing energy transition and SDGs targets throughout energy community schemes", Journal of Urban Ecology, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2022, juac023, https://doi.org/10.1093/jue/juac023, October 2022
Keywords citizen energy community, renewable energy community, energy transition, SDGs

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Fast characterization of compounds and components of explosives
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference The European Physical Journal Plus (2022), 137, 269.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-022-02404-4

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Characterization of groundwater recharge through tritium measurements
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Advances in Geosciences (2022), 57, 21-36.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/adgeo-57-21-2022

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Archaeometric surveys of the artefacts from the archaeological site of Baro Zavelea, Comacchio (Ferrara, Italy)
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Applied Sciences, 12, (2022) 11692.

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Petrographic and physical-mechanical investigation of natural aggregates for concrete mixtures
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Materials (2021), 14, 5763.
Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85116334408
Keywords concrete; aggregates; petrography; physical-mechanical characterization

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Geochemical and Petrographic Characterization of Bricks and Mortars of the Parish Church SANTA Maria in Padovetere (Comacchio, Ferrara, Italy)
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Minerals (2021), 11, 530.

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Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of construction materials from historical buildings of Ferrara (Italy)
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Geosciences, special issue Natural and Environmental Hazards of Cultural Heritage (2021), 11, 31.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences11010031
Keywords medieval Renaissance period; geochemical characterization; mineralogical analysis; archaeological samples

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Chemical Characterization of Particulate Matter in the Renaissance City of Ferrara
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Geosciences, special issue Natural and Environmental Hazards of Cultural Heritage (2021), 11, 227.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences 11060227

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Case study on the mineralogical and petrophysical analysis of reinforced concrete slabs of a highway viaduct of the S.G.C. Orte‑Ravenna
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference SN Applied Sciences (2021) 3:623

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Case report geochemical-microscopical characterization of the deterioration of stone surfaces in the cloister of Santa Maria in Vado (Ferrara, Italy)
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Heritage (2021), 4(4), 2996-3008.
Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85116822591
Keywords stone; chemical analysis; morphological description; Ferrara (north eastern Italy)

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A Comprehensive PED-Database for Mapping and Comparing Positive Energy Districts Experiences at European Level.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Turci, G.; Alpagut, B.; Civiero, P.; Kuzmic, M.; Pagliula, S.; Massa, G.; Albert-Seifried, V.; Seco,O.; Soutullo, S. A Comprehensive PED-Database for Mapping and Comparing Positive Energy Districts Experiences at European Level.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 427. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14010427
Repository reference DI450-024
Keywords Positive Energy District; climate neutrality; integrated energy planning; PED-Database;
PED case study; PED-Laboratories

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W+W- boson pair production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020) 092001
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85096654850

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The production of isolated photons in PbPb and pp collisions at √𝑠NN = 5.02 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 07 (2020) 116
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85088163145 (Article)

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Study of the optical properties of ionic liquids by LiquidScintillation Counting
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Journal of Molecular Liquids (2020), 302, 112359.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2019.112359
Keywords ILs, Liquid Scintillation Counting, CO2 absorption, Scintillation properties

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Study of J/Ψ meson production in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 804 (2020) 135409
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85082850250 (Article)

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Study of excited Λ_b^0 states decaying to Λ_b^0 π^+ π^-in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 803 (2020) 135345
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85081618676 (Article)

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Search for top squark pair production in a final state with two tau leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 02 (2020) 015
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85079427365 (Article)

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Search for Supersymmetry with a Compressed Mass Spectrum in Events with a Soft τ Lepton, a Highly Energetic Jet, and a Large Missing Transverse Momentum in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 041803
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85079553149 (Article)

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Search for supersymmetry in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV in events with high-momentum Z bosons and missing transverse momentum
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 09 (2020) 149
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85091428716 (Article)

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Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with 137 fb-1 in final states with a single lepton using the sum of masses of large-radius jets
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020) 052010
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85083578322 (Article)

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Search for resonant pair production of Higgs bosons in the bbZZ channel in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020) 032003
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85096112718

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Search for production of four top quarks in final states with the same-sign or multiple leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 75
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85078848913 (Article)

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Search for physics beyond the standard model with MT2 variable in hadronic final states with and without disappearing tracks in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 3
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85077306984 (Article)

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Search for physics beyond the standard model in multilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 03 (2020) 051
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85081750873 (Article)

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Search for new neutral Higgs bosons through the H→ZA→l^+ l^- bb ̅ process in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 03 (2020) 055
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85081745907 (Article)

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Search for light pseudoscalar boson pairs produced from decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson in final states with two muons and two nearby tracks in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 800 (2020) 135087

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Search for light pseudoscalar boson pairs produced from decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson in final states with two muons and two nearby tracks in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 800 (2020) 135087
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85075587140 (Article)

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Search for lepton flavor violating decays of a neutral heavy Higgs boson to μτ and eτ in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 03 (2020) 103
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85082490831 (Article)

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Search for high mass dijet resonances with a new background prediction method in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 05 (2020) 033
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85084474401 (Article)

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Search for heavy Higgs bosons decaying to a top quark pair in proton-proton at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 04 (2020) 171
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85085935293 (Article)

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Search for electroweak production of a vector-like T quark using fully hadronic final states
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 01 (2020) 036
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85078603389 (Article)

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Search for disappearing tracks in proton-proton at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 806 (2020) 135502
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85085763414 (Article)

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Search for direct pair production of supersymmetric partners to the τ in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 189
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85080991473 (Article)

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Search for dijet resonances using events with three jets in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 805 (2020) 135448
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85083832485 (Article)

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Search for dark matter particles produced in association with a Higgs boson in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 03 (2020) 025
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85081277478 (Article)

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Search for charged Higgs bosons decaying into a top and a bottom quark in the all-jet final state of pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 07 (2020) 126
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85088646665 (Article)

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Search for bottom-type, vectorlike quark pair production in a fully hadronic final state in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020) 112004
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85098251241

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Search for a Narrow Resonances Lighter than 200 GeV Decaying to a Pair of Muons in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 131802
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85083755554 (Article)

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Search for a heavy pseudoscalar Higgs boson decaying into a 125 GeV Higgs boson and a Z boson in final states with two tau and two light leptons at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 03 (2020) 065
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85081752688 (Article)

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Search for a heavy Higgs boson decaying to a pair of W bosons in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 03 (2020) 034
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85081320514 (Article)

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Search for a charged Higgs boson decaying into top and bottom quarks in events with electrons or muons in proton-proton at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 01 (2020) 096
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85078350537 (Article)

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Running of the top quark mass from proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 800 (2020) 135263
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85079875596 (Article)

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Production of Λ_C^+ baryons in proton-proton and lead-lead collisions at √𝑠NN=5.02 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 803 (2020) 135328
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85080054268 (Article)

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Observation of the Production of Three Massive Gauge Bosons at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 151802
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85093365020

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Observation of the B_s^0→X(3872)Φ Decay
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 152001
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85093365355

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Observation of the Λ_b^0→J/ΨΛΦ decay in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 800 (2020) 135203
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85078529004 (Article)

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Observation of electroweak production of Wγ with two jets in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 811 (2020) 135988
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85098720639

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Natural stones used in the Orsi-Marconi palace façade (Bologna): a petro-mineralogical characterization
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Heritage, special issue Geosciences for Cultural Heritage and Archaeology, 3, 1109-1124
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage3040062
Keywords sandstones; petro-mineralogical analysis; atmospheric pollutants

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Multiparticle correlation studies in pPb collisions at √𝑠NN=8.16 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Physical Review C 101 (2020) 014912
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85078836395 (Article)

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Morphological and chemical analysis of Tremolite related to natural asbestos in the road paving
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Episodes, 43(3): 869-879.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18814/epiiugs/2020/0200s05

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Medieval Glassworks in the City of Ferrara (North Eastern Italy): The Case Study of Piazza Municipale
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Heritage, special issue Geosciences for Cultural Heritage and Archaeology, 3(3), 819-837.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage3030045
Keywords Medieval-Renaissance period; glass; petrographic analysis; morphological description; Ferrara (North Eastern Italy)

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Measurements of tt ̅H Production and the CP Structure of the Yukawa Interaction between the Higgs Boson and Top Quark in the Diphoton Decay Channel
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 061801
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85089978062

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Measurements of the W boson rapidity, helicity, double-differential cross-sections and charge asymmetry in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020) 092012
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85097618338

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Measurements of production cross sections of WZ and same-sign WW boson pairs with two jets in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 809 (2020) 135710
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85090038895 (Article)

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Measurement tt ̅ normalized multi-differential cross sections in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV , and simultaneous determination of the strong coupling stenght, top quark pole mass, and parton distribution functions
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 370
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85091403682 (Article)

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Measurement of top quark pair production in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 03 (2020) 056
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85081715381 (Article)

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Measurement of top quark pair production cross section in dilepton final states containing one τ in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 02 (2020) 191
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85080991624 (Article)

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Measurement of the Y(1S) pair production cross-section and search for resonances decaying to Y(1S)μ^+ μ^- in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 808 (2020) 135578
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85087979274 (Article)

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Measurement of the tt ̅bb ̅ production cross section in all-jet final state in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 803 (2020) 135285
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85080887360 (Article)

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Measurement of the Jet Mass Distribution and Top Quark Mass in Hadronic Decays of Boosted Top Quarks in pp Collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 202001
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85086052956 (Article)

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Measurement of the cross section for tt ̅ production with additional jets and b jets in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 07 (2020) 125
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85088526760 (Article)

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Measurement of the cross section for electroweak production of a Z boson, a photon and two jets in proton-proton at √s = 13 TeV and constraints on anomalous quartic couplings
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 06 (2020) 076
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85086388647 (Article)

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Measurement of the associated production of a Z boson with charm or bottom quark jets in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020) 032007
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85096105475

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Measurement of properties of B_s^0→μ^+ μ^- decays and search forB^0→μ^+ μ^- with the CMS experiment
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 04 (2020) 103
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85084126150 (Article)

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Measurement of electroweak production of a W boson in association with two jets in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 43
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85078291200 (Article)

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Measurement of CKM matrix elements in single top quark t-channel production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 808 (2020) 135609
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85088271548 (Article)

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Measurement of B_c 〖(2S)〗^+ and B_c^* 〖(2S)〗^+ cross section ratios in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020) 092007
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85097205855

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Measurement of 154Ge(n, γ) cross sections and its astrophysical implications
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Physics Letters B 804 (2020) 135405
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85082862606 (Article)

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Irradiation aging of the CMS Drift Tube detector
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Radiation Physics and Chemistry 172 (2020) 108747
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85081027673 (Article)

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Investigation of the 240Pu(n,f) reaction at n_TOF/EAR2 facility in the 9 meV-6 MeV range
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Physical Review C 102 (2020) 014616
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85089352610 (Article)

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Investigation into the event-activity dependences of Υ(nS) relative production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 11 (2020) 001
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85096395259

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Intelligent Smart Contracts for Innovative Supply Chain Management
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Bottoni Paolo, Gessa Nicola, Massa Gilda, Pareschi Remo, Selim Hesham, Arcuri Enrico, 'Intelligent Smart Contracts for Innovative Supply Chain Management', Frontiers in Blockchain, Vol. 3, Year 2020, pag. 52, https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fbloc.2020.535787, DOI=10.3389/fbloc.2020.535787, ISSN=2624-7852
Repository reference DI070-001
Keywords revenue sharing, supply chain, blockchain, smart contract, digital trust, algorithmic coordination

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Intelligent Smart Contracts for Innovative Supply Chain Management
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Paolo Bottoni, Nicola Gessa, Gilda Massa, Remo Pareschi, Hesham Selim, Enrico Arcuri, Intelligent Smart Contracts for Innovative Supply Chain Management, Frontiers in Blockchain, section Non-Financial Blockchain - Michael Henke
Keywords Revenue sharing, supply chain, Blockchain, Smart contract, Digital trust, algorithmic coordination

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Further studies on the physics potential of an experiment using LHC neutrinos
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. Phys. G. Nucl. Part. Phys. 47 (2020) 125004
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85096078361

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Extraction and validation of a new set of CMS pythia8 tunes from underlying-event measurements
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 4
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85077325936 (Article)

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Evidence for WW production from double-parton interactions in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 41
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85078224899 (Article)

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Evidence for Top Quark Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 222001
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85097318502

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Determination of the strong coupling constant α_S (m_Z) from measurements of inclusive W^± and Z boson production cross sections in proton-proton at √s = 7 and 8 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 06 (2020) 018
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85086027848 (Article)

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Dependence of inclusive jet production on the anti-kT distance parameter in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 12 (2020) 082
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85097603848

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Constraints on the χ_c1 versus χ_c2 Polarizations in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s = 8 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 162002
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85084721870 (Article)

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A search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to charm quarks
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 03 (2020) 131
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85082571729 (Article)

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A multi-dimensional search for new heavy resonances decaying to boosted WW, WZ, or ZZ bosons pairs in the dijet final state at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 237
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85081746798 (Article)

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A measurement of the Higgs boson mass in the diphoton decay channel
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 805 (2020) 135425
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85083661454 (Article)

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A compact fission detector for fission-tagging neutron capture experiments with radioactive fissile isotopes
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Nuclear Inst. And Methods in Physics Research, A 969 (2020) 163981
SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85083421613 (Article)

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Studies of Beauty Suppression
via Nonprompt D0 Mesons in Pb-Pb Collisions at √𝑠NN=5.02 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 (2019) 022001

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Search for W boson decays to three charged pions
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019) 151802

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Search for vector-like quarks in events with two oppositely charged leptons and jets in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) 364

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Search for vectorlike leptons in multilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) 052003

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Search for the production of W±W±W± events at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) 012004

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Search for the production of four top quarks in the single-lepton and opposite-sign dilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 11 (2019) 82

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Search for supersymmetry with a compressed mass spectrum in the vector boson fusion topology with 1-lepton and 0-lepton final states in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 08 (2019) 150

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Search for supersymmetry in final states with photons and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 06 (2019) 143

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Search for supersymmetry in events with a photon, jets, b-jets, and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) 444

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Search for resonances decaying to a pair of Higgs bosons in the bb ̅q (q') ̅l final state in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 10 (2019) 125

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Search for pair production of vectorlike quarks in the fully hadronic final state
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) 072001

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Search for pair production of light top squarks in the e  final state in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 03 (2019) 101

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Search for new physics in top quark production in dilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) 886

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Search for MSSM Higgs bosons decaying to µ+ µ- in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 798 (2019) 134992

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Search for Higgs and Z boson decays to J/ψ or Y pairs in the four-muon final state in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 797 (2019) 134811

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Search for dark photons in decays of Higgs bosons produced in association wit Z bosons in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 10 (2019) 139

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Search for contact interactions and large extra dimensions in the dilepton mass spectra from proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 04 (2019) 114

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Search for charged Higgs bosons in the H± ±  decay channel in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 07 (2019) 142

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Search for anomalous electroweak production of vector boson pairs in association with two jets in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 798 (2019) 134985

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Search for an exotic decay of the Higgs boson to a pair of light pseudoscalars in the final state with two muons and two b quarks in pp collisions at 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 795 (2019) 398 - 423

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Search for a low-mass τ- τ+ resonance in association with a bottom quark in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 Te
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 05 (2019) 210

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Search for a Light Charged Higgs Boson Decaying to a W Boson and a CP-Odd Higgs Boson in Final States with eµµ or µµµ in Proton-Proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 (2019) 131802

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Physics potential of an experiment using LHC neutrinos
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. Phys. G. Nucl. Part. Phys. 46 (2019) 115008

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On the (un)effectiveness of proton boron capture in proton therapy
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. Plus 134 (2019) 361

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Observation of two excited B+c states and measurement of the B+c(2S) in pp collisions in proton-proton at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019) 132001

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Observation of single top quark production in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019) 132003

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Observation of Higgs Boson Decay to Bottom Quarks
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Physical Review Letters 121 (2018) 121801

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NUCLEAR FORENSIC: the GALAXY SERPENT v3 Exercise, the role of Geochemical dataset of Basalt minerals for NNL
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Countering radiological and nuclear threats - Proceedings of the 4th International CBRNe Workshop 'IW CBRNe 2018'. CBRNe Book Series, 15, 69-75.

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Measurements of the Higgs boson width and anomalous HVV couplings from on-shell and off-shell production in the four-lepton final state
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019) 112003

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Measurement of triple-differential cross sections for inclusive isolated-photon+jet events in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) 969

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Measurement of the top quark Yukawa coupling from t kinematic distributions in the lepton + jets final state in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) 072007

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Measurement of the top quark polarization and t spin correlations using dilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) 072002

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Measurement of the top quark mass in the all-jets final state at √s = 13 TeV and combination with lepton+jets channel
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) 313

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Measurement of the t¯t production cross section, the top quark mass, and the strong coupling constant using dilepton events in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) 368

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Measurement of the energy density as a function of pseudorapidity in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) 391

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Measurement of the 70Ge(n,g) cross section up to 300 keV at the CERN n_TOF facility
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Physical Review C 100 (2019) 045805

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Measurement of 73Ge(n, γ) cross sections and implications for stellar nucleosynthesis
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Physics Letters B 790 (2019) 458-465

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Inclusive search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV using razor variables and boosted object identification in zero and one lepton final states
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 03 (2019) 31

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Evaluation of the radionuclide concentration in the sediments of the Sacca di Goro (Italy)
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Environmental Analysis & Ecology Studies, Vol. 4(5), 1-4.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.31031/EAES.2019.04.000598
Keywords 137Cs 40K 238U 232Th 226Ra; Sediment; Sacca di Goro; Lagoon

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eBusiness standards and IoT technologies adoption in the Fashion Industry: preliminary results of an empirical research
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Bindi B., Fani V., Bandinelli R., Brutti A., Ciaccio G., De Sabbata P., eBusiness standards and IoT technologies adoption in the Fashion Industry: preliminary results of an empirical research, 7th International Conference in Business Models and ICT Technologies for the Fashion Supply Chain, IT4Fashion 2017 and 8th International Conference in Business Models and ICT Technologies for the Fashion Supply Chain, IT4Fashion 2018;
Volume: 525, Pages: 139 - 150, 2019
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Verlag.
ISBN 978-331998037-9, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-98038-6_11

Repository reference DI513-029
Keywords eBIZ, Fashion, Interoperability, RFId, Standards, Supply chain

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Discrimination of geographical origin of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) using geochemical elements combined with statistical analysis
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 1-18.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-018-0232-7
Keywords Beer · Fingerprints · Geochemistry · ICP-MS · Trentino · Traceability · PCA

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Determination of bio content in polymers used in the packaging of food products
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Radiocarbon, Vol. 61(6), 1973-1981.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/RDC.2019.141
Keywords bioplastic, food packaging, radiocarbon.

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Combinations of single-top-quark production cross-section measurements and |fLV Vtb| determinations at √s = 7 and 8 TeV with ATLAS and CMS experiments
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference J. High Energ. Phys. 05 (2019) 088

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Combination of CMS searches for heavy resonances decaying to pairs of bosons or leptons
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Lett. B 798, 134952

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Analytical Techniques for a Rapid Determination of Nitrogen Content in Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Science, 1 (2019) 1-5.
Keywords CN; Olive oil; Traceability; Xylella fastidiosa.

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An embedding technique to determine ττ backgrounds in proton-proton collision data
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Journal of Instrumentation 14 (2019) P06032

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Radiative neutron capture on 242Pu in the resonance region at the CERN n_TOF-EAR1 facility
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Physical Review C. 97 (2018) 024605

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Preliminary analysis of gaseous radiocarbon behavior in a geological repository hosted in salt rock
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Radiocabron, 60(6) (2018) 1897-1910.
Keywords Geological repository, radioactive waste, radiocarbon, salt rock.

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Optimisation of radioxenon measurement for comprehensive nuclear test-ban treaty
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 173 (2018) 751-757.
Keywords CTBT, gamma spectroscopy, high purity germanium, anticoincidence, minimum detectable activity.

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Morphological study of ionic exchange resins to support the 14C release investigation from radioactive wastes - EURATOM CAST PROJECT.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Radiocabron, 60(6) (2018) 1809-1817.
Keywords ionic exchange resins, morphology, radioactive wastes, radiocarbon.

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Measurement of the radiative capture cross section of the s-process braching points 204Tl and 171Tm at the n_TOF facility (CERN)
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference EPJ Web of Conferences 178 (2018) 03004

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GEANT4 simulations of a novel 3He-free thermalization neutron detector
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A 889 (2018) 33-38.
http://dx.doi.org/1 0.1016/j.nima.2018.02.011
Keywords Thermalization neutron detector; Detection efficiency; Stellar neutron source; 3He-free thermal neutron detector.

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Formation of supramolecular clusters at the interface of zeolite X following the adsorption of rare-earth cations and their impact on the macroscopic properties of the zeolite
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference R. Guzzinati, E. Sarti, M. Catani, V. Costa, A. Pagnoni, A. Martucci, E. Rodeghero, D. Capitani, M. Pietrantonio, A. Cavazzini, and L. Pasti
Formation of supramolecular clusters at the interface of zeolite X following the adsorption of rare-earth cations and their impact on the macroscopic properties of the zeolite
ChemPhysChem - DOI:10.1002/cphc.201800333

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First Measurement of 72Ge(n,g) at n-TOF
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference EPJ Web of Conferences 184 (2018)

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Experimental setup and procedure for the measurement of the 7Be(n,p)7Li reaction at n_TOF
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A 887 (2018) 27-33

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Dual-modality imaging with a ultrasound-gamma device for oncology
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Radiation Physics and Chemistry 147 (2018) 77-84

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d13C analysis to screen out explosive precursors by using cavity ring down laser spectroscopy
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2018) 133: 292
DOI 10.1140/epjp/i2018-12151-6

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Absolute efficiency calibration of 6LiF-based solid state thermal neutron detectors
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A 885 (2018) 86-90.
Keywords Thermal neutron detectors; 3He replacement; 6LiF neutron converter; Silicon detectors.

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A minimum set of common principles for enabling Smart City Interoperability
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Angelo Frascella, Arianna Brutti, Nicola Gessa, Piero De Sabbata, Cristiano Novelli, Martin Burns, Vatsal Bhatt, Raffaele Ianniello, Lingaho He, 'A minimum set of common principles for enabling Smart City Interoperability', in TECHNE Special Series Vol.01 2018, pag. 56-61, ISSN 2239-0243
Keywords Smart City, Interoperability, Standard

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7Be(n,p)7Li Reaction and the Cosmological Lithium Problem: Measurement of the Cross Section in a Wide Energy Range at n_TOF at CERN
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Physical Review Letters 121 (2018) 042701-1 042701-7.

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Multi-biomarker investigation to assess toxicity induced by two antidepressants on Dreissena polymorpha
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference S. Magni, M. Parolini, C. Della Torre, L. De Oliveira, M. Catani, R. Guzzinati, A. Cavazzini, A. Binelli
Multi-biomarker investigation to assess toxicity induced by two antidepressants on Dreissena polymorpha
in Science of The Total Environment November Volume 578, 1 February 2017, Pages 452-459

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Monitoring denitrification by means of pH and ORP in continuous-flow conventional activated sludge processes
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Volume 61 January 2017
Repository reference DI212-012
Keywords Denitrification monitoring; ORP signal; pH signal; pre-denitrification systems

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Influence of periodic external fields in multiagent models with language dynamics
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Phys. Rev. E 96, 062311 - Published 15 December 2017
Keywords Complex system, collective behavior, nonlinear dynamics

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Urban wastewater treatment plant provided with tertiary finishing lagoons: Management and reclamation for irrigation reuse
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
2016, 91, pp. 1615 - 1622
DOI: 10.1002/jctb.4908
Keywords Disinfection kinetics; Escherichia coli; Wastewater reclamation; Water reuse

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Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ)
Sep2016, Vol. 15 Issue 9, pp. 1981-1988
Keywords dilution, mixed drainage system, monitoring, nitrification, weak sewage

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Microscopic models of liquid chromatography: from ensemble-averaged information to resolution of fundamental viewpoint at single molecule level
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference L. Pasti, N. Marchetti, M. Catani, V. Bosi, F. Dondi, A. Felinger, A. Sepsey
Microscopic models of liquid chromatography: from ensemble-averaged information to resolution of fundamental viewpoint at single molecule level
Trends in Analytical Chemistry 81 (2016) 63-68

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Microscopic models of liquid chromatography: from ensemble-averaged information to resolution of fundamental viewpoint at single molecule level
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference L. Pasti, N. Marchetti, R. Guzzinati, M. Catani, V. Bosi, F. Dondi, A. Felinger, A. Sepsey
Microscopic models of liquid chromatography: from ensemble-averaged information to resolution of fundamental viewpoint at single molecule level
Trends in Analytical Chemistry 81 (2016) 63-68

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New insights into perfluorinated adsorbents for analytical and bioanalytical applications
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference N Marchetti, R Guzzinati, M Catani, A Massi, L Pasti, A Cavazzini
New insights into perfluorinated adsorbents for analytical and bioanalytical applications
in Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2015) 407:17-21

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Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Marco Ferraris, Sabino De Gisi, Roberto Farina
"Water Resources Management", 2015.

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Innovative technologies for metal recovery and plastic valorization from electric and electronic waste: integrated approach
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference C. Brunori, L. Cafiero, R. De Carolis, D. Fontana, R. Guzzinati, M. Pietrantonio, S. Pucciarmati, G.N. Torelli, E. Trinca, R. Tuffi
Innovative technologies for metal recovery and plastic valorization from electric and electronic waste: integrated approach
in Env. Eng. And Man. J. 2015, vol 14, n.7, 1553-1562

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Exploring fluorous affinity by liquid chromatography
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference M Catani, R. Guzzinati, N. Marchetti, L. Pasti, A. Cavazzini
Exploring fluorous affinity by liquid chromatography
in Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 6854−6860

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An integrated approach for monitoring efficiency and investments of activated sludge-based wastewater treatment plants at large spatial scale.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference De Gisi S., Sabia G., Casella P., Farina R.
Science of The Total Environment (2015) 523:201-218.

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Using a new incentive mechanism to improve wastewater sector performance: The case study of Italy.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference De Gisi S., Petta L., Farina R., De Feo G. (2014),
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 132, pages 94-106.

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Understanding Mixed-Mode Retention Mechanism in Liquid Chromatography with Hydrophobic Stationary Phases
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference A Cavazzini, N Marchetti, R Guzzinati, L Pasti, A Cigoli, F Gasparrini
Understanding Mixed-Mode Retention Mechanism in Liquid Chromatography with Hydrophobic Stationary Phases in Anal. Chem., 2014, 86 (10), pp 4919-4926

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Thermophilic two-phase anaerobic digestion of source-sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste for bio-hythane production: Effect of recirculation sludge on process stability and microbiology over a long-term pilot-scale experience
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Giuliano, A., Zanetti, L., Micolucci, F., Cavinato, C.
Water Science and Technology Volume 69, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 2200-2209

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The use of MCDA and GIS for hazardous waste landfill siting considering the shortage of land for waste disposal
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference De Feo G., De Gisi S. (2014),
Waste Management, Available online 4 July 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2014.05.028

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Partial nitrification for nitrogen removal from sanitary landfill leachate.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Psaila G., Rizzo A., 2014.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 49(11): 1331-1340.

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Organic priority substances and microbial processes in river sediments subject to contrasting hydrological conditions
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Zoppini, A., Ademollo, A., Amalfitano, S., Casella, P., Patrolecco, L., Polesello, S.
Science of the Total Environment, Volume 484, Pages 74-83

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Online monitoring of MBR fouling by transmembrane pressure and permeability over a long-term experiment.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Sabia G., Ferraris M., Spagni A., 2014.
Separation and Purification Technology, 122: 297-305.

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History and technology of Terra Preta Sanitation
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference De Gisi S., Petta L., Wendland C. (2014),
Sustainability, Volume 6 (3), pages 1328-1345.

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Groundwater geochemistry and microbial community structure in the aquifer transition from volcanic to alluvial areas.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Water Research (2014) 65:384-394.

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GIS based assessment of the spatial representativeness of air quality
monitoring stations using pollutant emissions data
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference G. Righini, A. Cappelletti, A. Ciucci, G. Cremona, A. Piersanti, L. Vitali, L. Ciancarella
Atmospheric Environment 97 (2014) 121-129
Keywords Air pollution, Emissions, Monitoring networks, Spatial representativeness, GIS

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Evaluation of aeration pretreatment to prepare an inoculum for the two-stage hydrogen and methane production process.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Giordano A., Sarli V., Lavagnolo M.C., Spagni A., 2014.
Bioresource Technology, 166: 211-218.

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Environmental Assessment of electricity production from an Italian anaerobic digestion plant
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Fantin, V., Giuliano, A., Manfredi, M., Ottaviano, G., Stefanova, M., Masoni, P.
Special Issue on Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. Manuscript submitted and accepted 2014.

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Enantioseparation by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Current Status and Future Directions
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference A Cavazzini, N Marchetti, R Guzzinati, M Pierini, A Cigoli, D Kotoni
Enantioseparation by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Current Status and Future Directions
Trends in Analytical Chemistry 63 (2014) 95-103

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Development and permeability of a dynamic membrane for anaerobic wastewater treatment.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Alibardi L., Cossu R., Saleem M., Spagni A., 2014.
Bioresource Technology, 161: 236-244.

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Development and application of a planning support tool in the municipal wastewater sector: The case study of Italy.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference De Gisi S., Petta L., Farina R., De Feo G. (2014),
Land Use Policy, Volume 41, pages 260-273.

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Assessment of the AMS-MINNI system capabilities to simulate air
quality over Italy for the calendar year 2005
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference M. Mircea, L. Ciancarella, G. Briganti, G. Calori, A. Cappelletti, I. Cionni, M. Costa, G. Cremona, M. D’Isidoro, S. Finardi, G. Pace, A. Piersanti, G. Righini, C. Silibello, L. Vitali, G. Zanini
Atmospheric Environment 84 (2014) 178-188
Keywords Air pollution assessment, Ozone, Nitrogen dioxide, PM10, Model validation

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Architettura e Smart Cities: quale relazione
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Architettura e Smart Cities: quale relazione Paola Clerici Maestosi in DPT - Sapienza, n 2, Smart cities, buildings, objects article, Articolo rivista internazionale con referaggio, 2014

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What lessons can be learnt from studying a Roman hydraulic structure in a little village in Southern Italy?
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference De Feo G., Ribera F., Abbondandolo S., De Gisi S. (2013),
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013 (doi: 10.2166/ws.2013.002)

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Water and wastewater management in the treatment process of a Roman fullonica
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference De Feo G., De Gisi S. (2013),
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013 (doi: 10.2166/ws.2013.003)

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The ancient timber roofing structures in Emilia Romagna region
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Marzo A., Marghella G., Indirli M.
"The ancient timber roofing structures in Emilia Romagna region"
Advanced material research 778
Keywords seismic engineering, timber, earthquake, cultural heritage, in situ diagnostics

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Study of the impact of low vs. high resolution meteorology on air quality simulations using the MINNI model over Italy.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference D'Isidoro M., Mircea M., Vitali L., Cionni I., Briganti G., Cappelletti A., Finardi S., Pace G., Ciancarella L., Cremona G., Piersanti A., Righini G., Zanini G.
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security Volume 137, Pages 587-592, 2013.

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Response of bacterial isolates from Antarctic shallow sediments towards heavy metals, antibiotics and polychlorinated biphenyls.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Lo Giudice A., Casella P., Bruni V., Michaud L.
Ecotoxicology Volume 22, Issue, 2, pages 240-250.

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Public perception of odour and environmental pollution attributed to MSW treatment and disposal facilities: A case study
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference De Feo G, De Gisi S., Williams I.D. (2013),
Waste Management, Volume 33, Issue 4, April 2013, pages 974-987.

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Innovative two-stage anaerobic process for effective codigestion of cheese whey and cattle manure.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Bertin L., Grilli S., Spagni A., Fava F., 2013.
Bioresource Technology, 128: 779-783.

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Full-scale treatment of wastewater from a biodiesel fuel production plant with alkali-catalyzed trans esterification.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference De Gisi S., Galasso M., De Feo G. (2013)
Environmental Technology, Volume 34, Issue 7, pages 861-870.

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Environmental Philosophy and Ethics in Italy
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Pagano, P.
International Society for Environmental Ethics (ISEE), Newsletter, vol. 24, Nos. 1-3, pp. 21-26, 2013.

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Enhanced methane production from rice straw co-digested with anaerobic sludge from pulp and paper mill treatment process.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Mussoline W., Esposito G., Lens P., Spagni A., Giordano A., 2013.
Bioresource Technology, 148: 135-143.

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Effect of solid retention time on sludge filterability and biomass activity: long-term experiment on a pilot-scale membrane bioreactor treating municipal wastewater.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Sabia G., Ferraris M., Spagni A., 2013.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 221: 176-184. doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2013.01.094

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Co-digestion of livestock effluents, energy crops and agro-waste: Feeding and process optimization in mesophilic and thermophilic conditions.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Giuliano, A., Bolzonella, D., Pavan, P., Cavinato, C., Cecchi, F.
Bioresource Technology Volume 128, January 2013, Pages 612-618

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Assessing complementarity of wind and solar resources for energy production in Italy. A Monte Carlo approach.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Monforti, F., T. Huld, K. Bodis, M. D'Isidoro, L. Vitali.
Renew. Energ. In Press. 2013

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A simple method to equalize the workload when operating several small wastewater treatment plants: a case study.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference De Feo G, De Gisi S., Galasso M. (2013),
Environmental Technology, Volume 34, Issue 2, pages 1533-1541.

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A comparison of the efficacy of organic and mixed-organic polymers with polyaluminium chloride in chemically assisted primary sedimentation (CAPS)
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference De Feo G., Galasso M., Landi R., Donnarumma A., De Gisi S. (2013),
Environmental Technology, Volume 34, Issue 10, pages 1297-1305.

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Wastewater treatment in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Casu S., Crispino N.A., Farina R., Mattioli D., Ferraris M., Spagni A., 2012
J. Environ. Sci. Heal. A., 47(2): 204-209. doi:10.1080/10934529.2012.640562

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Stabilisation of biodried municipal solid waste fine fraction in landfill bioreactor.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Grilli S., Giordano A., Spagni A., 2012.
Waste Management, 32(9): 1678-1684.

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Post-earthquake safety interventions on the Visitazione di Maria Santissima church in Reno Finalese
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Carpani B., Gugliandolo A., Marghella G., Marzo A., Segreto M.-A.
"Post-earthquake safety interventions on the Visitazione di Maria Santissima church in Reno Finalese"
EAI 4/5-2012 Focus on the Pianura Padana Emiliana Earthquake
Keywords seismic engineering,earthquake, cultural heritage, in situ diagnostics, safety interventions

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GIS-based procedure for evaluation of performances of the Italian atmospheric modelling system simulated data versus observed measurements
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Piersanti A., Righini G., Cremona G., Ciancarella L., Cionni I., D’Isidoro M., Mircea M., Vitali L.
R. Seppelt, A.A. Voinov, S. Lange, D. Bankamp (Eds.) International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). 2012 - ISBN: 978-88-9035-742-8
International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Leipzig, Germany, 2012

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Fine carbonaceous aerosol characteristics at a coastal rural site in the Central Mediterranean as given by OCEC online measurements.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Malaguti A., Mircea M., La Torretta T., Piersanti A., Salvi S., Zanini G., Telloli C., Salfi F., Berico M.
Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol 56 , pp. 78-87, 2012.
DOI 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2012.06.004

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Determination of multi-year atmospheric transfer matrices for GAINS-Italy model.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Briganti G., Calori G., Cappelletti A., Ciancarella L., D’Isidoro M., Finardi S., Vitali L.
High Performance Computing on CRESCO infrastructure: research activities and results 2011-2012. ISBN 978-88-8286-268-8

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Decolourisation of textile wastewater in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Casu S., Grilli S., 2012.
Bioresource Technology, 117: 180-185.

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Damage mechanisms in some residential building typologies during the Pianura Padana Emiliana earthquake
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Carpani B. , Gugliandolo A., Indirli M., Marghella G., Marzo A., Segreto M.-A.
"Damage mechanisms in some residential building typologies during the Pianura Padana Emiliana earthquake"
EAI 4/5-2012 Focus on the Pianura Padana Emiliana Earthquake

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Damage and collapse mechanisms in churches during the Pianura Padana Emiliana earthquake
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Indirli M., Marghella G., Marzo A.
"Damage and collapse mechanisms in churches during the Pianura Padana Emiliana earthquake"
EAI 4/5-2012 Focus on the Pianura Padana Emiliana Earthquake

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Benzo[a]pyrene modelling over Italy: comparison with experimental data and source apportionment.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Silibello C., Calori G., Costa M.P., Dirodi M.G., Mircea M., Radice P., Vitali L., Zanini G.
Atmospheric Pollution Research, Vol 3, Issue 4, Pages 399-407, 2012
DOI 10.5094/apr.2012.046.

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Behaviour of industrial buildings in the Pianura Padana Emiliana earthquake
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Bongiovanni G., Buffarini G., Clemente P., Indirli M., Marghella G., Martelli A., Marzo A., Poggianti A., Saitta F.
"Behaviour of industrial buildings in the Pianura Padana Emiliana earthquake"
EAI 4/5-2012 Focus on the Pianura Padana Emiliana Earthquake

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Analysis by SEM and microanalysis of sandstones in Bologna, Petra, Mtskheta
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Bruni S., Indirli M., Maino G., Marghella G., Marzo A. Moretti L.
"Analysis by SEM and microanalysis of sandstones in Bologna, Petra, Mtskheta"
EAI Speciale II 2012 - Knowledge, diagnostics and preservation of cultural heritage

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Textile wastewater treatment in a bench-scale anaerobic-biofilm anoxic-aerobic membrane bioreactor combined with nanofiltration.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Grilli S., Piscitelli D., Mattioli D., Casu S., Spagni A, 2011
J. Environ. Sci. Heal. A., 46(13): 1512-1518. doi:10.1080/10978526.2011.609078

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Monitoring the biochemical hydrogen and methane potential of the two-stage dark-fermentative process
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Giordano A., Cantù C., Spagni A.
Bioresource Technology, 102(6): 4474-4479. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2010.12.106

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Modelling microbial population dynamics in nitritation processes
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Giusti E., Marsili-Libelli S., Spagni A.
Environmental Modelling and Software, 26(7): 938-949. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.02.001

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Treatment of a simulated textile wastewater containing the azo dye reactive orange 16 in an anaerobic-biofilm anoxic-aerobic membrane bioreactor
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Grilli S., Casu S., Mattioli D.
International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 64(7): 676-681. doi:10.1016/j.ibiod.2010.08.004

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Quantification of Saharan dust contribution to PM10 concentrations over Italy during 2003-2005
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference A. Pederzoli, M. Mircea, S. Finardi, A. Di Sarra, G. Zanini, 2010:
Quantification of Saharan dust contribution to PM10 concentrations over Italy during 2003-2005
Atmospheric Environment
Volume 44, Issue 34, November 2010, Pages 4181-4190
Keywords PM10; Air quality;Saharan dust; Mediterranean;Italy

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Formal Verification of Wastewater Treatment Processes using Events detected from continuous signals by means of Artificial Neural Networks. Case Study: SBR Plant
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Bragadin G.L., Colombini G., Mancini M., Mello P., Montali M., Sottara D. Environmental Modelling and Software 25 (5), pp. 648-660.

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Filterability in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Casu S., Crispino N.A., Farina R., Mattioli D.
Desalination, 250(2): 787-792. doi:10.1016/j.desal.2008.11.042

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Effect of the organic loading rate on biogas composition in continuous fermentative hydrogen production
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Casu S., Farina R.
J. Environ. Sci. Heal. A., 45: 1475-1481. DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2010.506091

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Artificial intelligence control of a sequencing batch reactor for nitrogen removal via nitrite from landfill leachate
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Marsili-Libelli S.
J. Environ. Sci. Heal. A., 45(9): 1085-1091. DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2010.486339

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Technical and Non-Technical Measures for air pollution emission reduction: The integrated assessment of the regional Air Quality Management Plans through the Italian national model
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference D’Elia, I., M. Bencardino, L. Ciancarella, M. Contaldi and G. Vialetto, 2009: Technical and Non-Technical Measures for air pollution emission reduction: The integrated assessment of the regional Air Quality Management Plans through the Italian national model. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 6182-6189

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Start-up of a pilot-scale membrane bioreactor to treat municipal wastewater
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Ferraris M., Innella C., Spagni A.
Desalination, 237: 190-213. doi:10.1016/j.desal.2007.12.032

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Nitrogen removal via nitrite in a sequencing batch reactor treating sanitary landfill leachate
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Marsili-Libelli S.
Bioresource Technology, 100: 609-614. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2008.06.064

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Application of image analysis in activated sludge to evaluate correlations between settleability and features of flocs and filamentous species
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Arelli A., Luccarini L., Madoni P.
Water Science and Technology, vol. 59 (10): 2029-2036.

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A wawelet based heuristic to dimension Neural Networks for simple signal approximation
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Colombini, G., Sottara, D., Luccarini, L., Mello, P.
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 204, pp. 110-115

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A CEP-based SOA for the management of WasteWater Treatment Plants
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Sottara, D., Manservisi, A., Mello, P., Colombini, G., Luccarini, L.
2009 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems, EESMS 2009 - Proceedings, art. no. 5341314, pp. 58-65.

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Intelligent monitoring system for long-term control of Sequencing Batch Reactors
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Marsili-Libelli S., Spagni A., Susini R.
Water Science and Technology, 57(3): 431-438. doi:10.2166/wst.2008.133

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Development of a Guide on Wastewater Treatment and Reuse within the EMWater Project
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Post J., Petta L., Kramer A. and Al Baz I.
Journal of Sustainable Water Management 1-2008

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Developement of an integrated system for the optimization of sequencing batch reactors
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Ratini P., Pirani M., Mariani S., Quintaba’ A., Luccarini L., Mazouni D., Fiocchi N., Harmand J. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 14:1 67 - 78.

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Chemical composition of wet and dry atmospheric depositions in an urban environment: local and long-range influences
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Morselli L., Bernardi E., Vassura I., Passarini F., Tesini E.
Journal of Atmosferic Chemistry (2008)

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The EMWater project — promoting efficient wastewater management and reuse in Mediterranean countries
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Petta L., Kramer A., Al Baz I.
Desalination Journal 215 (2007) 56-63

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Nitrogen removal optimization in a sequencing batch reactor treating sanitary landfill leachate
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Lavagnolo M.C., Scarpa C., Vendrame P., Rizzo A., Luccarini L.
J. Environ. Sci. Heal. A., 42(6): 757-765. DOI: 10.1080/10934520701304435

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Drinking water denitrification in membrane bioreactor/membrane contactor systems
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Fabbricino M., Petta L.
Desalination Journal 210 (2007) 163-174

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AI Techniques for Waste Water Treatment Plant control. Case study: denitrification in a pilot-scale SBR
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Sottara D., Luccarini L., Mello P.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics - Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. Volume 4692 LNAI, Issue PART 1, 639-646.

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SBRs on-line monitoring by set-point titration
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Fiocchi N., Ficara E., Canziani R., Luccarini L., Ciappelloni F., Ratini P., Pirani M., Mariani S.
Water Science and Technology, vol. 53, n. 4-5, pp. 541-549.

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Experiences in promotion of IPP in SMEs via the webplatform www.ecosmes.net
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference P. Masoni, P. Buttol, R. Buonamici, L. Naldesi, 'Experiences in promotion of IPP in SMEs via the webplatform www.ecosmes.net', Proceedings of LCM 2005, Innovation by Life Cycle Management, Barcellona (5-7/9/2005), vol. 2, pp. 37-41, ISBN 84-609-6564-3.
Keywords IPP, SME

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Emended description of the species Lampropedia hyalina
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference N. Lee, C. M. Cellamare, C. Bastianutti, R. R. Mora, P. Kampfer, W. Ludwig, K-H. Schleifer, L. Stante
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 54,1709-1715; 2004

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Soft sensors for control of nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewaters by neural network
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Porrà E., Spagni A., Ratini P., Grilli S., Longhi S., Bortone G.
Proceedings of the 1st IWA Conference on ICA and Sensors. Malmo (Sweden) 3-7 June 2001.
Water Science and Technology (2002), 45(4-5): 101-107

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Modelling population dynamics of denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organisms in activated sludge
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Stante L., Bortone G.
Water Science and Technology, 46(1-2): 323-326

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Selection of denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organisms in activated sludge
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Stante L., Bortone G.
Environmental Technology: 22: 1429-1437. DOI: 10.1080/09593332208618179

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Implementation, study and calibration of a modified ASM2d for the simulation of SBR processes
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Marsili-Libelli S., Ratini P., Spagni A., Bortone G.
Water Science and Technology: 43(3): 69-76.

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Experimental considerations on monitoring ORP, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen in nitrogen and phosphorus biological removal processes
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Buday J., Ratini P., Bortone G.
Water Science and Technology 43(11): 197-204.

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Characterization of textile and other industrial wastewater by respirometric and titration bionsensor
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference A. Rozzi, E. Ficara, C. M. Cellamare, G. Bortone
Water Science and Technology, 40, 1, 161-168; 1999

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Biological Phosphorus removal by pure culture of Lampropedia spp.
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference L. Stante, C. M. Cellamare, F. Malaspina, G. Bortone, A. Tilche
Water Research, 31,6, 1317-1324; 1997

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Production of poly-Β-hydroxybutirrate by Lampropedia spp. isolated from activated sludge for phosphorus removal
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Reference L. Stante, C. M. Cellamare, F. Malaspina, G. Bortone, A. Tilche
Med Fac. Landbouw. Univ. Gent 61/4b; 1996

  Pubblication type  Paper National Journal with referee (37 records; click here to hide/show)
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Smart City: da ENEA una 'lingua' comune per lo scambio dei dati
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Angelo Frascella, Arianna Brutti, Nicola Gessa, "Smart City: da ENEA una 'lingua' comune per lo scambio dei dati", su FMI - Facility Management Italia, n. 39/2020, anno 11, pp. 18-19.
ISSN 1973-5340
Repository reference DI210-016
Keywords SCPS, Smart City, Interoperability

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Research and innovation programs for urban areas: align EC, European Member State and national resources to innovate urban planning
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Research and innovation programs for urban areas: align EC, European Member State and national resources to innovate urban planning, Paola Clerici Maestosi, in Report on Italian cities 2015, Articolo rivista nazionale con referaggio, 2015

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Eco-Evo-Centrism: a new environmental philosophical approach
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Pagano P.
Energia, Ambiente, Innovazione, marzo - giugno 2014, pp. 93-99

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Soluzioni per incrementare la resa in metano delle biomasse: risultati preliminari dell’applicazione del pretrattamento enzimatico in un impianto a biogas in scala reale
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Petta, L., Giuliano, A., Porzio, V., Gamberini, P.
Terra e Vita N. 29-30/2013

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Perché salvaguardare la natura. Una teoria eco-evo-centrica
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Pagano P.
Pedagogika, vol.XVII, n.4, pp.14-18, 2013.

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Methodologies for the evaluation of spatial representativeness of air quality monitoring stations in Italy
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Righini G., Cappelletti A., Cionni I., Ciucci A., Cremona G., Piersanti A., Vitali L., Ciancarella L., (2013), 'Methodologies for the evaluation of spatial representativeness of air quality monitoring stations in Italy' Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione. Rivista bimestrale dell'ENEA. ISSN 11240016. Anno 59. 1-2 gen./apr. 60-68.
Keywords spatial representativeness, monitoring stations, air quality

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The Emilia-Romagna earthquake:damages to precast/prestressed reinforced concrete factories
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Marzo A., Marghella G., Indirli M.
"The Emilia-Romagna earthquake:damages to precast/prestressed reinforced concrete factories"
Ingegneria sismica 29 (2-3)

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Human oriented technology per l’ecosistema urbano
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee

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Strategie costruttive per produrre biogas in piccole e medie aziende
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Farina R., Petta L., Jodice R.
Informatore Agrario 9 (2011)

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Difficoltà ed opportunità - I sistemi di gestione ambientale nel settore agricolo
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Litido M., Petta L., Segreto M.A., Glavinic M.
De Qualitate 7 (2010) 54-63

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Dalla Biologia alla "politica propositiva"
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Pagano P.
Inchiesta, n.168, pp. 50-55, 2010

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Produzione biochimica potenziale di idrogeno e metano da biomassa agricola
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Giordano A., Lavagnolo M.C., Morbin A., Farina R., Spagni A.
Ingegneria Ambientale, 37(5): 223-228

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Critical loads for Cd and Pb in the province of Bologna
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Morselli L., Bernardi E., Passarini F., Tesini E.
Annali di Chimica (2008)

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Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Pagano P.
Naturalmente, anno 20, numero 1, febbraio 2007, pp.35-42

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Wallace e la teoria della selezione naturale
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Pagano P.
Naturalmente, anno 19, numero 1, febbraio 2006, pp.25-32

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La Denitrificazione delle acque potabili nei bioreattori a membrana confinati. Parte II: sperimentazione su impianto pilota e validazione del modello teorico
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Fabbricino M., Petta L.
Ingegneria Ambientale n.7/8, 2005 pp.356-365

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La Denitrificazione delle acque potabili nei bioreattori a membrana confinati. Parte I: proposta di un modello di progettazione e verifica
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Fabbricino M., Petta L.
Ingegneria Ambientale n.6, 2005

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La grande carestia in Irlanda
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Pagano P.
Naturalmente, anno 17, numero 1, pag. 22-29, febbraio 2004

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Antropocentrismo, biocentrismo, ecocentrismo: una panoramica di filosofia ambientale
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Pagano P.
Energia, Ambiente, Innovazione, n.2, pp. 72-86, 2004

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Studio della fase di avviamento di bioreattori a membrana per il trattamento delle acque reflue
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Ferraris M., Innella C., Laera G., Spagni A.
Ingegneria Ambientale, 32(5): 214-221; 2003

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L'isola di Pasqua
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Pagano P.
Naturalmente, anno 16, numero 2, pag. 45-49, maggio 2003

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La filosofia ambientale come interazione dialettica tra scienze umane e scienze naturali
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Pagano P.
Systema Naturae - Annali di Biologia Teorica, vol 5, pp.193-217, 2003

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Filosofia Ambientale. Una classificazione delle idee
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Pagano P.
Naturalmente, anno 16, numero 1, pag.26-31, febbraio 2003

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Tecnologie innovative per il trattamento delle acque reflue
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Giordano A., Spagni A., Bastianutti C., Bortone G., Garuti G.
EAI Report - Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione, 48(5): 79-81; 2002

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Modellizzazione matematica dei respirogrammi sperimentali
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A. In: Andreottola G., Foladori P., Ferrai M., Ziglio G.
Respirometria applicata alla depurazione delle acque - principi e metodi.
Collana scientifico-divulgativa; monografia 3;
Laboratorio di Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, Università di Trento. Pp: 115-128

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Filosofia ambientale: ecologia profonda
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Pagano P.
Naturalmente, anno 15, numero 3, pag.34-41, ottobre 2002

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Applicazione degli SBR per il trattamento delle acque reflue di un allevamento zootecnico: presentazione dell’impianto
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Petta L., Spagni A., Bortone G., Pirozzi F., Tilche A.
Ingegneria Ambientale, 31(5): 272-279; 2002

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Applicazione degli SBR per il trattamento delle acque reflue di un allevamento zootecnico: modello matematico
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Petta L., Spagni A., Bortone G., Pirozzi F., Tilche A.
Ingegneria Ambientale, 31(7-8): 400-409; 2002

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Cinetiche enzimatiche e batteriche: i rischi della trasformazione dei dati
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Bortone G.
Biologi Italiani, 3/01: 29-32; 2001

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Applicazione degli SBR per il trattamento delle acque di un allevamento zootecnico - Parte II: modello matematico
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Petta L., Spagni A., Bortone G., Pirozzi F., Tilche A.
Ingegneria Ambientale n.5, 2001

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Applicazione degli SBR per il trattamento delle acque di un allevamento zootecnico - Parte I: prestazioni dell'impianto
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Petta L., Spagni A., Bortone G., Pirozzi F., Tilche A.
Ingegneria Ambientale n.3, 2001

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Rimozione biologica del fosforo dalle acque reflue
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Grilli S., Bortone G.
Biologi Italiani. 9/00: 48-53; 2000

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Modellazione matematica di processi biologici per il trattamento di acque reflue in reattori SBR
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Ratini P., Marsili-Libelli S., Bortone G.
Ingegneria Ambientale 29(2): 93-98; 2000

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Caratterizzazione di Biomassa e reflui attraverso l’utilizzo di tecniche respirometriche
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Ratini P., Luccarini L., Bortone G.
Ingegneria Ambientale 29(3/4): 177-183; 2000

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Analisi gascromatografica degli acidi grassi volatili prodotti durante la digestione anaerobica
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference F. Malaspina, C. M. Cellamare, L. Stante, G. Bortone, A. Tilche
Inquinamento, 20, 58-64; 2000

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Determinazione respirometrica dell’attività nitrificante in fanghi attivi
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference Spagni A., Ratini P., Bortone G.
Biologi Italiani. 10/99: 28-33; 1999

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Attività della sezione tecnologie di depurazione e trattamento reflui dell'ENEA
Pubblication type Paper National Journal with referee
Reference A. Tilche, G. Bortone, R. Farina, G. Garuti. S. Sgroi, C. Cellamare, F. Malaspina, L. Stante
Ingegneria Ambientale, 10/1997, 558-568;

  Pubblication type  Paper International Conference with referee (115 records; click here to hide/show)
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Towards a Service Marketplace to Empower Circular Economy Transition: An Example Application in the Supply Chain of Textile Industry
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Franke, M., Deng, Q., Hribernik, K.A., Thoben, KD., Ciaccio, G. (2024). Towards a Service Marketplace to Empower Circular Economy Transition: An Example Application in the Supply Chain of Textile Industry. In: Thürer, M., Riedel, R., von Cieminski, G., Romero, D. (eds) Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management Systems for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous Environments. APMS 2024. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 728. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-71622-5_16
Keywords Circular economy, Digital Product Passport, B2B marketplace for CE, Sustainability of digital services for DPP

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Towards a Blockchain-enabled Social-Life Cycle Assessment Service for Increased Value Chain Sustainability
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Mogos, M. F., Maestri, G., Fischer, T. V., & Ciaccio, G. (2023, June). Towards a Blockchain-Enabled Social-Life Cycle Assessment Service for Increased Value Chain Sustainability. In International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (pp. 1040-1048). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Repository reference DI516-022
Keywords Social-Life Cycle Assessment, Value Chain Transparency, Sustainability, Textile and Clothing Industry, Social Impact

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Geochemical and isotopic tracers to define the aquifer’s vulnerability: the case study of the alluvial multi-aquifer system of the Friulian plain
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195, 781, 1-27.

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Contribution of Geosciences to Cultural Heritage Conservation Assessment: The Case Study of the Loggiato dei Cappuccini in Comacchio (Italy)
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Geosciences, 13, 157.
Keywords petrography; Comacchio (Italy); thermography; degradation phenomena; alveolization

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Contribution of Geosciences to Cultural Heritage Conservation Assessment: The Case Study of the Loggiato dei Cappuccini in Comacchio (Italy)
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Geosciences, 13, 157.
Keywords petrography; Comacchio (Italy); thermography; degradation phenomena; alveolization

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Towards Smart Cities for Tourism: the POLIS-EYE Project
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference A. Seravalli, M. Busani, S. Venturi, A. Brutti, C. Petrovich, A. Frascella, F. Paolucci, M. Di Felice, M. Lombardi, E. Bellodi, R. Zese, F. Bertasi, E. Balugani, A. Cecaj, R. Gamberini, M. Mamei, M. Picone,
Towards Smart Cities for Tourism: the POLIS-EYE Project, 8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 2022, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ISC255366.2022.9922095
Repository reference DI213-015
Keywords Smart city, Tourism, Big data

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Radioactivity in building materials
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference EGU22-6887

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Porphyry extractive activity in the Atesino Volcanic District (North of Italy): petrochemical characterization of materials placed in landfill
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference EGU22-12787

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Gravity and Magnetic Separation for Recycling of Granite Scraps in the Buddusò Quarrying District (Northern Sardina, Italy)
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference EGU22-2020

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Future development of global molybdenum-99 production and saving of atmospheric radioxenon emissions by using nuclear fusion-based approaches
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 255, (2022) 107049.

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Future development of global molybdenum-99 production and saving of atmospheric radioxenon emissions by using nuclear fusion-based approaches
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 255, (2022) 107049.

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A Big Data Platform for the Smart Monitoring of Local Energy Communities
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference A Big Data Platform for the Smart Monitoring of Local Energy Communities / Gagliardelli, Luca; Zecchini, Luca; Beneventano, Domenico; Simonini, Giovanni; Bergamaschi, Sonia; Orsini, Mirko; Magnotta, Luca; Mescoli, Emma; Livaldi, Andrea; Gessa, Nicola; De Sabbata, Piero; D’Agosta, Gianluca; Paolucci, Fabrizio; Moretti, Fabio. - 3135:(2022). Published in the Workshop Proceedings of the EDBT/ICDT 2022 Joint Conference (March 29-April 1, 2022, Edinburgh, UK)
(Intervento presentato al convegno 1st International Workshop on Data Platform Design, Management, and Optimization tenutosi Online nel 29/03/2022.
Keywords Big Data Integration, Energy Communities, Big Data Platform

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The Lockdown and Smart Working Effects on Electric Energy Consumption: the Analysis for a Group of Employees
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Branchetti S., Petrovich C., Nigliaccio G., Paolucci F. (2021) The Lockdown and Smart Working Effects on Electric Energy Consumption: the Analysis for a Group of Employees. In the 6th AIGE/IIETA International Conference and 15th AIGE 2021 Conference on "Energy Conversion, Management, Recovery, Saving, Storage and Renewable Systems", at Ancona, Italy on July 8-9, 2021
Repository reference DI450-020
Keywords Electric consumption, Energy, Load curve, Lockdown, Smart working.

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Energy Efficiency Indicators for Textile Industry Based on a Self-analysis Tool
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Branchetti S., Petrovich C., Ciaccio G., De Sabbata P., Frascella A., Nigliaccio G. (2021) Energy Efficiency Indicators for Textile Industry Based on a Self-analysis Tool. In: Helfert M., Klein C., Donnellan B., Gusikhin O. (eds) Smart Cities, Green Technologies and Intelligent Transport Systems. SMARTGREENS 2019, VEHITS 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1217. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68028-2_1,
ISSN: 1865-0929 , 1865-0937; ISBN: 978-3-030-68027-5 , 978-3-030-68028-2, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-68028-2_1
Repository reference DI450-015
Keywords Energy efficiency, Specific energy consumption, Benchmarking, Sustainable economy, Textile industry, Manufacturing, Yarn, Fabric, Finishing

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Distributed ledgers to support revenue-sharing business consortia: a Hyperledger-based implementation
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference P. Bottoni, R. Pareschi, D. Tortola, N. Gessa and G. Massa, "Distributed ledgers to support revenue-sharing business consortia: a Hyperledger-based implementation," 2021 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 5-8 Sept. 2021, Athens, Greece, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ISCC53001.2021.9631473.
Repository reference DI135 - 059
Keywords business ecosystems, enterprise consortia, supply chain management, revenue sharing, smart contracts, distributed ledger, Hyperledger, Fabric

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Carbon and nitrogen content in soil, plant and hop pick up in the north of Italy
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference MedGU - 1st Mediterranean Geosciences Union (Springer), Istanbul (Turchia)
Keywords Geochemistry; Traceability; Carbon content; Nitrogen content.

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Analysis of National Research Programs to Boost Urban Challenges in Transnational Cooperation
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Massa, G. (2021). Analysis of National Research Programs to Boost Urban Challenges in Transnational Cooperation. In: Bisello, A., Vettorato, D., Haarstad, H., Borsboom-van Beurden, J. (eds) Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions. SSPCR 2019. Green Energy and Technology. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-57332-4_30
Keywords Public engagement, National coordination, Alignment, Research programs, Urban issue

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Petro-archaeometric characterization of historical mortars in the city of Ravenna (Italy)
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Trento (Italy).

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Microscopic and chemical characterization of metal slags found at the Porta Paola excavation in Ferrara
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Trento (Italy).

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Measurement of the 244Cm and 246Cm Neutron-Induced Cross Sections at the n_TOF Facility
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Springer Proceedings in Physics 225 (2019)

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Energy consumption characterization based on a self-analysis tool: a case study in yarn manufacturing
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Branchetti, S., Petrovich, C., Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., Frascella, A. and Nigliaccio, G.
Energy consumption characterization based on a self-analysis tool: a case study in yarn manufacturing.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2019), pages 40-50
ISBN: 978-989-758-373-5
Repository reference DI450-014
Keywords Benchmarking, energy consumption, energy efficiency, sustainable economy, textile industry, yarn manufacture.

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Characterization and first test of an i-TED prototype at CERN n_TOF
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Springer Proceedings in Physics 225 (2019)

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Interoperability in the Smart City: A Semantic Approach for Merging Flexibility with Strictness
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Arianna Brutti, Angelo Frascella, Nicola Gessa, Piero De Sabbata, Cristiano Novelli, "Interoperability in the Smart City: A Semantic Approach for Merging Flexibility with Strictness", workshop SSC 2018: Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Sensors and Smart Cities, special session in
Proceedings 2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing 18-20 June 2018 Taormina, Sicily, Italy. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1816Z-ART, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4705-9
Repository reference DI224-031
Keywords smart city, interoperability, specifications, ontology, data format

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An Ontology Framework for Multisided Platform Interoperability
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Q. Deng, S. Gönül, Y. Kabak, N. Gessa, D. Glachs, F. Gigante, V. Damjanovic-Behrendt, K. Hribernik, K.D. Thoben, 'An Ontology Framework for Multisided Platform Interoperability', in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Systems and Applications (I-ESA 2018), Berlin, Germany, 22-23 March 2018
Repository reference DI417-003
Keywords Interoperability, Multisided Platforms, Ontologies, Taxonomies

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A set of Key Performance Indicators for sustainability of SMEs in agribusiness sector
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Gilda Massa, Nicola Gessa, "A set of Key Performance Indicators for sustainability of SMEs in agribusiness sector", WICaNeM 2018, 13th Wageningen International Conference on Chain and Network Management July 2018 Ancona, Italy.
Repository reference DI720-057
Keywords KPI, sustainability, SME, agribusiness

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Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference X Simposio Internazionale di Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale
Keywords Agriculture; FAO proposal; Lebanon; Reuse; Wastewater

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QFD for a SME network of the wood sector to improve competitiveness and sustainability.
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Gilda Massa, Nicola Gessa, 'QFD for a SME network of the wood sector to improve competitiveness and sustainability', proceedings of the SDM 2016 International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, Chania, Crete, Greece, April 4-6th 2016, pp 501-511, Springer International Publishing, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-32096-0.
Repository reference DI720-053
Keywords QFD, SME networks, supply chain coordination, wood sector

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Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Proceedings of X International Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering - SIDISA 2016,
Roma, 19-23 June 2016 pp. E03/1.1 - E03/1.8
Keywords wastewater; management policies; modelling; controller; energy efficiency

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Supporting software interoperability using standardised interfaces: issues and needs
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Nicola Gessa, Angelo Frascella, Piero De Sabbata and Arianna Brutti, "Supporting software interoperability using standardised interfaces: issues and needs", proceedings of the Workshop 'Standards for Enterprise interoperability: Bridging the gap between research and standardisation' in "Proceeedings of the Workshops of the IWEI 2015 Conference" co-located with the 6th International IFIP Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability IWEI 2015, Nîmes, France, May 27, 2015, published online on CEUR-WS (http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1414/). ISSN 1613-0073, Vol-1414, urn:nbn:de:0074-1414-0
Repository reference DI720-049
Keywords standard adoption, communication interface, interoperability, standard evaluation

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Looking for the unified classification and evaluation approach of SG interface standards for the purposes of ELECTRA IRP
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Angelo Frascella, Jacek Swiderski, Gianluigi Proserpio, Evangelos Rikos, Armağan Temiz, Aleksander Babs, Mathias Uslar, Samuele Branchetti, Giorgio Graditi - USB Proceedings 2015 International Symposium on Smart Electric Distribution Systems and Technologies (EDST) Vienna, Austria 07 - 11 September, 2015 - ISBN: 978-1-4799-7735-2 pag. 318-323
Repository reference DI455-001
Keywords SGAM, information layer, communication layer, CAMSS, standard assessment, Smart Grids, standards

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Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference EURAM2015 - European Academy of Management - Varsavia, 2015
(Best Paper Nominee)
Keywords Organization, Reciprocity, Agent-Based model

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Computer-Based Research Strategy To Investigate Idealtypes Of Self-
Organized Structures Of Collaboration In Intra-Organizational Networks
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference EURAM2012 - European Academy of Management - Rotterdam, 2012
Keywords Computer-Based Simulation Agent-Based Modelling Cooperation

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Vers un modèle socio-culturel de la durabilité intégré et la connaissance déductive
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Keywords economie de la connaissance

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Towards a behaviour model for the evaluation and optimization of water consumptions in primary school
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Ferraris,M., De Gisi,S., Farina,R.
Presentazione orale 'Water IDEAS Conference 2014", Bologna 22-24/10/2014

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Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Mauro SCALIA, Rui MARTINS, Piero DE SABBATA, Nikolay UZUNOV, Sabina
OLARU, Carmen GHITULEASA, Claudia NICULESCU and Doina TOMA, "SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SAVING FOR THE EUROPEAN CLOTHING INDUSTRY", in proceedings of 15th Romanian Textiles and Leather Conference - CORTEP 2014, 4 - 6 September 2014, Poiana Braşov, Romania, Editura PERFORMANTICA, ISSN-L 2285-5378
Keywords energy efficiency, clothing

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Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference M Adani, M. Mircea, C. Silibello, M. D’Isidoro, L. Ciancarella, L. Vitali, A. Piersanti, G. Briganti, A. Cappelletti,G. Righini, G. Cremona, G. Zanini.
16th Int. Conf. on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes 8-11 Sept. 2014, Varna, Bulgaria
Keywords Heavy Metals, Air Quality Modelling

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Intelligent distribution for efficient and affordable supplies. Smart water use and water recycling at building level. Ways for resource efficiency, Water saving in residential buildings, Use of grey water.
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference FAILLA, B.
"Water Ideas Conference 2014".
Proceedings, Paper, October 24th, 2014 in IWA Conference in conjunction with ACCADUEO Fair.
Bologna, Italy, October 22th-24th, 2014.

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Energy efficient WWTPs: simulation and validation of a decision support system through modelling
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Proceedings of the 2nd IWA Specialized International Conference 'ecoSTP2014 - EcoTechnologies for Wastewater Treatment, Technical, Environmental & Economic Challenges, Verona, Italy, 23-27 June 2014
Keywords WWTP simulation, modelling, effluent quality, energy efficiency

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Benchmarking large municipal WWTPs using official questionnaires: The case study of Italy.
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference De Gisi S., Petta L., Farina R. (2014),
In proceedings of the '2nd IWA Specialist Conference on EcoTechnologies for Sewage Treatment Plants 2014 - EcoSTP2014', June 23th, 24th, 25th, Verona, Italy 2014.

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Assessment of the ecotoxicological effects related to the use of natural organic coagulants in the primary treatment of wastewaters at urban and industrial level.
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Sabia G., Giuliano A., Farina R.
ISPRA, Giornate di Studio - 6 edizione.
Atti delle giornate di studio su Emergenza Ambiente: l'ecotossicologia come strumento di gestione. Ricerca e applicazione di metodologie ecotossicologiche in ambienti acquatici e matrici contaminate. Pagg. 97-102
Livorno 11-13 novembre 2014

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An ontology-based approach for the instrumentation, control and automation infrastructure of a WWTP
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference In: Ames, D.P., Quinn, N.W.T., Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, June 15-19, San Diego, California, USA.
ISBN: 978-88-9035-744-2.
Keywords Knowledge based control systems; Ontology; Wastewater treatment plants

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An approach to interoperability testing to speed up the adoption of standards
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Arianna Brutti, Piero De Sabbata, Nicola Gessa, 'An approach to interoperability testing to speed up the adoption of standards', proceedings of the Workshops 'Standardisation Developments for Enterprise Interoperability and the Manufacturing Service Domain' of the I-ESA International Conference 2014, Albi (France), 24th - 25th March 2014, pp. 295-300, edited by M. Lauras, ISTE/Wiley, ISBN 978-1-84821-799-7, DOI 10.1002/9781119081418.ch42
Keywords standard life cycle, B2B, interoperability, testing

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A hybrid, integrated IEDDS for the management of Sequencing Batch Reactors
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference In: Ames, D.P., Quinn, N.W.T., Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, June 15-19, San Diego, California, USA.
ISBN: 978-88-9035-744-2.
Keywords Business Processes; Event Calculus; IEDSS; Ontologies; SBR

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Towards new urban wastewater treatment Performance Indicators for life quality improvement: experiences from Italy.
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference De Gisi S., Petta L., Mulargia P., Farina R. (2013),
In proceedings of the '7th IWA specialist conference on efficiencies use and management of water', October 22th, 23th, 24th, 25th, Paris, France 2013.

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Thermophilic two phase anaerobic digestion of SS-OFMSW for bio-hythane production: effect of recirculation sludge and microbiology in a long-term pilote scale experience
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Zanetti, L., Giuliano, A., Bolzonella, D., Micolucci, F., Cavinato, C., Pavan, P.
World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion IWA Conferences Santiago de Compostela June 25-28 2013

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The proposal of a pre/post-earthquake "holistic and digital" quick survey tool for smart-referenced building inventories
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Indirli M., Marghella G., Marzo A., Moretti L., Formisano A.
"The proposal of a pre/post-earthquake "holistic and digital" quick survey tool for smart-referenced building inventories"
SE50EEE - International Conference on Earthquake Engineering

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Spatial representativeness of air quality monitoring stations in Italy
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Piersanti A., Righini G., Russo F., Cremona G., Vitali L., Ciancarella L.
Proceedings of ‘The 15th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes’ - San José R., Pérez J.L., editors. Pagg. 108-112. Madrid, Spain, 6-9 May 2013. ISBN: 978-84-695-7353-5.

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Landfill leachate characterisation: a literature review.
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., Alibardi L., Cerminara G., Gnata G., Moreale L., Valdemarca A., 2013.
Proceedings Sardinia 2013, Fourteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, 30 September - 4 October 2013, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy. CISA Publisher.

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3D modelling of Arsita town in the framework of the reconstruction
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Geremei F., Moretti L., Marzo A., Marghella G., Indirli M.
"3D modelling of Arsita town in the framework of the reconstruction"
CC2013 - The Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing

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Signal monitoring toward an intelligent management and automatic control of wastewater treatment plants
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Pulcini D., Canziani R., Giunchi D., Mello P., Sottara D.
Submitted and accepted as oral presentation to SIDISA 2012 - 9a Edizione Milano, 26 - 29 Giugno 2012.

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Ontologies, Rules, Workflow and Predictive Models: Knowledge Assets for an EDSS
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Sottara D., Mello P., Bragaglia S., Pulcini D., Luccarini L.
Submitted and accepted as oral presentation to iEMSs 2012 6th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Leipzig, Germany, 1 - 5 July 2012.

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Monitoring the performance of Soft Sensors used in WWTPs by means of Formal Verification
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Pulcini D., Mello P., Bragaglia S., Sottara D.
Submitted and accepted as oral presentation to iEMSs 2012 6th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Leipzig, Germany, 1 - 5 July 2012.

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Modelling SBR cycle management and optimization using Events and Workflows
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Davide Sottara D., Mello P., Morlini G., Malaguti F., Luccarini L.
Submitted and accepted as oral presentation to iEMSs 2012 6th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Leipzig, Germany, 1 - 5 July 2012.

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Forecasting and assessment of wildland fires air quality impact in Italy
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Finardi S., Mircea M., Righini G., Sofiev M., Hakkarainen J., Kukkonen J. 'Forecasting and assessment of wildland fires air quality impact in Italy' Proceedings of 8th Int. Conference on Air Quality - Science and Application, Athens, 19-23 March 2012
Keywords forest fires, air quality

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Evaluation of the treatability of pre-digested distillery wastewater through MBR and chemical post-treatment.
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Petta L., Saturno D., Puccetti M., Farina R., Spagni A., 2012.
Oral presentation. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering - SIDISA 2012,
Sustainable Technology for Environmental Protection, 26 - 29 June, Milan.
ISBN 978-88-903557-1-4, paper ID 1064. Pp. 1-8.

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eBusiness in Fashion Industry: Interoperability Standardisation Meets Industry Supply Chain
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Piero DE SABBATA, Arianna BRUTTI, Mauro SCALIA, Karolina KRZYSTEK, Josè Ignacio AGUADO,Marco RICCHETTI, Martin BAKER, "eBusiness in Fashion Industry: Interoperability Standardisation Meets Industry Supply Chain", in "Enterprise interoperability", in proceedings of e-Challenges 2012, conference, Lisbon, Portugal, October 17-19 2012, ISBN 978-1-905824-35-9
Repository reference DI511-021

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Combining biological processes with membrane filtration for textile wastewater recovery.
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Grilli S., Spagni A., 2012.
Oral Presentation. Proceeding Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology in the frame of the Knowledge - Based Bio and Green Economy, Bologna, April 10-12, 2012.
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 11(3), Supplement.

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Ancient Pompeii Water Supply: Sources, Routes, and Slopes of the Aqueducts.
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Lorenz W.F., De Feo G., Baros E., De Gisi S. (2012),
In proceedings of the 'IWA Specialized Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations (IWA WWTAC 2012)', March 22th, 23th, 24th, Istanbul, Turkey 2012.

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A study of heavy metals pollution in Italy with the atmospheric modelling system of MINNI project.
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Mircea M., Silibello C., Calori C., Costa M. P., Dirodi G., Radice P., Vitali L., Zanini G.
16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (ICHMET 2012), Oral presentation.
Rome, 23-27 September 2012.

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A procedure minimizing the wasting of space for the siting of hazardous waste landfills as a part of a solid waste management system.
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference De Feo G., De Gisi S. (2012),
In proceedings of the '3rd International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management', September 12th, 13th, 14th, Chania, Crete, Greece 2012.

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A model to analyse critical factors in B2B interoperability standards life cycle
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Arianna Brutti, Piero De Sabbata, Gessica Ciaccio, Angelo Frascella, Cristiano Novelli, "A model to analyse critical factors in B2B interoperability standards life cycle", in "Enterprise interoperability", I-ESA 2012 proceedings, Valencia 2012, edited by Martin Zelm, Raquel Sanchis, Raul Poler and Guy Domeingts, Iste Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2012 Ltd, UK, ISBN 978-1-84821-426-2
Keywords standards life cycle, B2B, interoperability

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Standard for eBusiness in SMEs networks: the increasing role of customization rules and conformance testing tools to achieve interoperability
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Arianna Brutti, Piero De Sabbata, Angelo Frascella, Cristiano Novelli, Nicola Gessa, "Standard for eBusiness in SMEs networks: the increasing role of customization rules and conformance testing tools to achieve interoperability", in 'Enterprise Interoperability, proceedings of the Workshops of the Third International IFIP Working Conference IWEI 2011', Stockholm, March 22-24 2011, edited by Iste Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc.2011 Ltd, UK, ISBN 978-1-84821-317-3
Keywords interoperability, standard, conformance testing tool, customization rules,
eBusiness, UBL, Schematron, SMEs business.

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Ozone simulations with atmospheric modelling system of Minni project: a multi-year evaluation over Italy
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference M. Mircea, G. Briganti, A. Cappelletti, L. Vitali, G. Pace, M. D'Isidoro, G. Righini, A. Piersanti, G. Cremona, I. Cionni, P. Radice, C. Silibello, S. Finardi, G. Calori, L. Ciancarella, G. Zanini
"Ozone simulations with atmospheric modelling system of Minni project: a multi-year evaluation over Italy"
Proceedings of 'The 14th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes Bartzis J., Syrakos A., Andronopoulos S. editors. Kos Island, Greece, 2-6 October 2011. Pp. 52-56.

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National Italian integrated atmospheric model on air pollution: sensitivity to emission inventory
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference L. Ciancarella, G. Briganti, G. Calori, A. Cappelletti, I. Cionni, M.Costa, G. Cremona, I. D'Elia, M. D'Isidoro, S. Finardi, L. Mauri, M.Mircea, G. Pace, A. Piersanti, S. Racalbuto, P. Radice, G. Righini, G.Vialetto, L. Vitali, G. Zanini
National Italian integrated atmospheric model on air pollution: sensitivity to emission inventory
Proceedings of 'The 14th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes" Bartzis J., Syrakos A., Andronopoulos S. editors. Kos Island, Greece, 2-6 October 2011. Pp. 277-281.

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Effect of water content on biogas production of biodried MSW fine fraction
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Giordano A., Grilli S., Spagni A.
Proceedings Sardinia 2011, Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, 3 - 7 October 2011, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy.

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Effect of nitrate and nitrite addition on leachate characteristics in a simulated landfill bioreactor
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., Grilli S., Piccinelli F., Casu S., Farina R.
Proceedings Sardinia 2011, Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, 3 - 7 October 2011, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy.

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Discovering Potential Synergies between Research Projects and Standardisation, the COIN Case
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Arianna Brutti, Piero De Sabbata, Nicola Gessa, Cristiano Novelli and Enrico Del Grosso, "Discovering Potential Synergies between Research Projects and Standardisation, the COIN Case", in On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2011 Workshops Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, Volume 7046/2011, 142-147, 978-364225125-2, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25126-9_23
Keywords standard, web services, enterprise interoperability, enterprise collaboration

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Biological hydrogen production from cheese whey in a bench-scale Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., D'Errico A.L., Casu S., D'Accurso S.
Proceedings Sardinia 2011, Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, 3 - 7 October 2011, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy

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Validation of simulated atmospheric fields for air quality modeling purposes
in Italy
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference L. Vitali, S. Finardi, G. Pace, A. Piersanti, G. Zanini
'Validation of simulated atmospheric fields for air quality modeling purposes
in Italy'
Proceedings of 'The 13th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes", 1-4 June 2010. Paris, France Pp. 609-613
Keywords data assimilation, air pollution meteorology

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Use profile management for standard conformant customisation
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference A. Brutti, V. Cerminara, G. D'Agosta, P. De Sabbata, N. Gessa, "Use profile management for standard conformant customisation", in "Enterprise Interoperability IV, making the Internet of the future of Enterprise", edited by Keith Popplewell, Jenny Harding, Raul Poler, Ricardo Palmeta, proceedings of I-ESA 2010 Conference, Coventry, April 13-15th 2010, published by Springer-Verlag, London 2010, ISBN 978-1-84996-256-8, e-ISBN 978-1-84996-257-5
Keywords interoperability, UBL, standard, use profile, eBusiness, co-constraints, SMEs.

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Strategies for water recycling implementation in Slovene Textile Companies
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Majcen Le Marechal A, Vajnhandl, S., Jerič T., Mattioli D., Grilli S.
Proceeding of XIIth International Izmit Textile and Apparel Symposium October 28-30, 2010 Izmir-Turkey

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Standard creation and adoption for SME networks
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference P. De Sabbata, N.Gessa, A.Brutti, C.Novelli, A.Frascella, G.D'Agosta,"Standard creation and adoption for SME networks", in "Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications", proceedings of the Workshops and the Doctorial Symposium of the I-ESA International Conference 2010 (Workshop: Standards - a foundation for Interoperability), Coventry, April 13th 2010, pp. 41-51, edited by Hervè Panetto, Nacer Boudjlida, ISTE/Wiley, June 2010, ISBN 978-1-84821-270-1
Keywords eBusiness, standards, networked business, Textile Clothing Industry, ebXML, UBL, SME

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Reuse of treated textile wastewaters for dyeing process
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Jeric, T., Mattioli, D., Grilli, S., Kraps, M., Vajnhandl, S., Majcen Le Marechal A., Gobol D., Kobal L.
Proceeding of AUTEX 2010- 10th World Textile Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 21-23, 2010

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Modeling Air Quality over Italy with MINNI Atmospheric Modeling System: from Regional to Local Scale
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference G. Zanini, M. Mircea, G. Briganti, A. Cappelletti, A. Pederzoli, L. Vitali, G. Pace, P. Marri, C. Silibello, S. Finardi and G. Calori, 2010: 'Modeling Air Quality over Italy with MINNI Atmospheric Modeling System: from Regional to Local Scale'. Proc. of ITM2010 31st NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application.
Keywords Atmospheric Modeling System, air quality

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Laboratory scale experiments for waste water reuse in textile processes
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Jerič, T., Mattioli, D., Grilli, S., Krapš, M., Vajnhandl, S., Majcen Le Marechal, A., Golob, D., Kobal, L., Kolar, M.
Proceeding of -7th ANQUE Congress on Water 2010; AquaFit4Use Mid Term Conference Oviedo (Spain) June 13-16, v

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Impact of horizontal grid resolution on air quality modeling: a case study over Italy
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference M. Mircea, A. Cappelletti, G. Briganti, L. Vitali, G. Pace, P. Marri, C. Silibello, S. Finardi, G. Calori and G. Zanini
'Impact of horizontal grid resolution on air quality modeling: a case study over Italy'
Proceedings of 'The 13th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes", 1-4 June 2010. Paris, France Pp. 166-170
Keywords air pollution, ozone, model validation, horizontal spatial resolution

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Examples of treatment strategies for reuse purposes in textile finishsing SMEs
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Mattioli, D., Grilli, S., Majcen Le Marechal, A., Vajnhandl, S.
Proceedings of -7th ANQUE Congress on Water 2010; AquaFit4Use Mid Term Conference Oviedo (Spain) June 13-16, 2010

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An environment for a powerful business document schema profiling", in proceedings of e-Challenges 2010
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Nicola Gessa, Arianna Brutti, Valentina Cerminara, Piero De Sabbata, Angelo Frascella, Cristiano Novelli, "An environment for a powerful business document schema profiling", in proceedings of e-Challenges 2010', conference, Warsaw, Poland, October 27-29 2010, edited by IIMC, International Information Management Corporation LTD, Dublin, Ireland, ISBN 978-1-905824-20-5
Keywords standard, use profile, XML document schema, sme networks, ebusiness

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The Emwater Project: results from pilot plants operation in Jordan and Palestine
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Petta L., Farina R., Zimmo O., Abbassi B., Al Baz I.
Presentazione al 1st IWA Development Congress. 15-19 Novembre 2009, Mexico DC, Mexico

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Nitrogen and COD removal optimisation from leachate generated in old MSW landfills
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., Marsili-Libelli S., Lavagnolo M.C.
Oral Presentation, Proceedings Sardinia 2009, Twelfth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. October 5-9 2009, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy.

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A pool of experts to evaluate the evolution of biological processes in SBR plants
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Sottara D., Colombini G., Luccarini L., Mello P.
A pool of experts to evaluate the evolution of biological processes in SBR plants. 4th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems Salamanca, Spain, in June 10-12th, 2009.

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The EMWater Guide: a practical tool on Wastewater Treatment and Reuse within the EMWater Project
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Petta L.
Presentazione al 2nd MEDA Water Regional Event on Local Water Management. Marrakech, Marocco, 28-30 Aprile 2008

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Supporting Enterprise Network Set Up Combining ebXML, Semantic Tools and Sectorial Standards
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference M.Busanelli, P. De Sabbata, N. Gessa, C. Novelli, G. D'Agosta, "Supporting Enterprise Network Set Up Combining ebXML, Semantic Tools and Sectorial Standards", in proceedings of e-Challenges 2008 conference, Stockholm, October 22-24 2008, pp. 1061-1068, edited by Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham, IIMC International Information Management Corporation LTD, Dublin, Ireland, IOS PRESS, ISBN 978-1-58603-924-0.
Keywords ebXML smart garment organisation, ebusiness, textile/clothing industry

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Produzione biologica di idrogeno in reattore UASB: primi risultati sperimentali
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Petta L., Russo R., Farina R., Pirozzi F., Spagni A.
Atti del Simposio Internazionale di Ingegneria Sanitaria e Ambientale - SIDISA.08. Firenze 24-27 giugno 2008

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Process Quality Assessment in automatic management of waste-water treatment plants using Formal Verification
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Bragadin G.L., Mancini M.L., Mello P., Montali M., Sottara D.
Proceedings ANDIS-DICEA-IWA. International Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering-SIDISA 08. Florence (Italy). 24-27 june 2008. (vol. 1, pp. 152/1 - 152/8).ISBN:978-88-903557-0-7.

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Optimisation on sanitary landfill leachate treatment in a sequencing batch reactor
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., Marsili-Libelli S., Lavagnolo M.C.
Proceedings 4th Sequencing Batch Reactor Technology Conference, Rome, Italy, April 7-10, 2008. Platform Presentation, pp 383-390

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La depurazione biologica in impianto SBR: processi chimici e studio della sedimentabilità con sviluppo di metodiche applicate al fango attivo
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Arelli A., Luccarini L., Madoni P.
SIDISA 08 'Simposio Internazionale di Ingegneria sanitaria e ambientale'. Firenze 24 - 27 Giugno 2008.

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Filterability in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., Casu S., Crispino N.A., Farina R., Mattioli D.
Proceedings of the International Conference on 'Membranes in Drinking Water Production and Wastewater Treatment', Toulouse, France, 20-22 October 2008.

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EMWater Guide and Recommendations on Wastewater Treatment and Water Reuse
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Post J., Petta L., Kramer A. and Al Baz I.
Chapter 2 of Efficient Management of Wastewater its Treatment and Reuse in Water-Scarce Countries (2008), Springer, Berlin

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Biological hydrogen production from mixed cultures using aeration pretreatment
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Giordano A, Farina R., Lavagnolo M.C., Spagni A.
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Energy from biomass and Waste. 17-20 November 2008, Venice Italy.

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A mathematical explicit expression for the design of nitrogen removal in SBRs treating domestic wastewater
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Petta L., Giordano A., Esposito G., Pirozzi F.
Conference Proceedings dell’International IWA Conference SBR4, Roma, 7-10 Aprile 2008.

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Intelligent monitoring system for long-term control of Sequencing Batch Reactors
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Marsili-Libelli S., Spagni A., Susini R.
Proceedings of AutMoNet2007 - Automation in water quality monitoring, Gent, Belgium, September 5-7, 2007

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Development of Guidelines on Wastewater Treatment and Reuse within the EMWater Project
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Post J., Petta L., Kramer A. and Al Baz I.
Conference Proceedings dell’International Conference on Sustainable Water Management, Tunisi, Tunisia, 21-24 Marzo 2007

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Biological hydrogen production from sweet sorghum residues
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Giordano A., Lavagnolo M.C., Spagni A., Morbin A.
Oral Presentation, Proceedings Sardinia 2007, Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. October 1-5 2007, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy

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The EMWater Project - Promoting Efficient Wastewater Management and Reuse in Mediterranean Countries
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Petta L., Kramer A. and Al Baz I.
MEDA WATER International Conference on Sustainable Water Management Rational Water Use, Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Marrakech 8-10 Giugno 2006

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Efficient Management of Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the Mediterranean Countries.
Experimental Aquasave Project in households, Technologies and Results.
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Paper, Regional EMWater Project Conference 2006. Amman, Jordan from 30.10 to 01.11.2006

Failla B., Stante L., ENEA [Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment (Section of Wastewater Treatment and Water Cycle)]; ARPA (Environment Regional Agency of Emilia Romagna); Az.USL (Bologna City Health District); G. DOZZA Cooperative society; Scagliarini (Architect); Hera S.p.A. (Emilia-Romagna Company for Energy, Environment and Water); Bologna Municipality.

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Development of an integrated system for the optimisation of SBRs
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Ratini P., Pirani M., Mariani S., Quintabà A., Luccarini L., Mazouni D., Fiocchi N., Harmand J.
5th MATHMOD, IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, 8-10 February 2006.

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On-line monitoring of nitrification efficiency by set-point titration
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Ciappelloni F., Luccarini L., Fiocchi N., Ficara E., Canziani R., Ratini P., Pirani M., Mariani S.
Proceeding of the IWA Specialized Conference "Nutrient Management in Wastewater Treatment Processes and Recycle Streams" Krakow, Poland, 19-21 September 2005.

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Modelling biological leachate treatment in a Sequencing Batch Reactor
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., Lavagnolo M.C., Vendrame P., Luccarini L.
Oral Presentation, Proceedings Sardinia 2005, Tenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. October 3-7 2005, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy

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Pilot scale anaerobic sequencing batch reactor for distillery wastewater treatment
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference R. Farina, C. M. Cellamare, L. Stante, A. Giordano
Paper, Atti del 10th World Congress Anaerobic Digestion", Vancouver, Canada, 29 agosto - 2 settembre 2004

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Monitoring and control of a pilot scale SBR reactor
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Fiocchi N., Ciappelloni F., Spagni A.
Atti delle giornate di studio "Research and innovation in wastewater treatment", Milano-Bologna, 25-26 November 2004

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Efficient Management of Wastewater, Its Treatment and Reuse in the Mediterranean Countries: the EMWATER Project
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Petta L., Giordano A., Farina R. and Al Baz I.
International Forum: 'Food Security Under Water Scarcity in the Middle East: Problems and Solutions' Como, 24-27 November 2004.
ISSN : 1016-1228 ISBN : 2-85352-316-0

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Anaerobic Sequencing batch reactor in scala pilota per la depurazione dei reflui di distilleria
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference C.M. Cellamare, R. Farina, L. Stante, M. C. Lavagnolo, A. Giordano
Paper presentato al (Atti del) Convegno SIDISA 2004 - Taormina Giugno 2004

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Il riuso di permeati di reattori a membrana
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Pollice A., Laera G., Spagni A., Ferraris M.
Presentazione orale alla Conferenza Internazionale 'Applicazione e prospettive dei reattori MBR nel trattamento ed il riuso delle acque reflue'. Cremona, 28-29 aprile 2003

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On-line control of a SBR reactor for the biological wastewater treatment
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Bortone G., Longhi S., Luccarini L., Ratini P., Porrà E.
Proceedings the 9th Mediterranean Conference on Control and automation, Dubrovnik, June 27-29, 2002

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Feasibility evaluation of contaminated lagoon sediment bioremediation with SS-SBR
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Giordano A., Luccarini L., Farina R., Spagni A., Bortone G.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Paper 2H-39, pp.2311-2318, Monterey, California, USA, May 20-23, 2002. In: Gavaskar A. R. and Chen A. S. C. (eds).

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Wastewater anaerobic treatment
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Bortone G., Spagni A., Giordano A., Tilche A.
Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Biotechnologies for environmental management. 22-24 November 2001, Torino (Italy)

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Modelling population dynamics of denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organisms in activated sludge
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., Stante L., Bortone G.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Micro-organisms in Activated Sludge and Biofilm Process. Rome 13-15 June 2001

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Feasibility evaluation of contaminated lagoon sediment bioremendiation using oxygen uptake rate
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Giordano A., Spagni A., Farina R., Luccarini L., Bortone G.
Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Biotechnologies for environmental management. 22-24 November 2001, Torino, Italy

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Implementation, study and calibration of a modified ASM2d for the simulation of SBR processes
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Marsili-Libelli S., Ratini P., Spagni A., Bortone G.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Sequencing Batch Reactor Technology. Narbonne (France) 10-12 July 2000.

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Experimental considerations on monitoring ORP, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen in nitrogen and phosphorus biological removal processes
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., Buday J., Ratini P., Bortone G.
Proceedings of the 1st World Congress of the International Water Association (IWA). Paris (France) 3-7 July 2000

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Considerations for the improvement of the anoxic dephosphatation in the dephanox process
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference Bortone G., Alonso V., Spagni A., Stante L., Wanner J., Tilche A.
Proceedings of New advances in biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal for municipal or industrial wastewater. Narbonne (France) 12-14 October 1998

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Characterization of textile and other industrial wastewater by respirometric and titration bionsensor
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference A. Rozzi, E. Ficara, C. M. Cellamare, G. Bortone
Paper, Atti del "Fourth international symposium on Waste Managment problems in Agro-industries", Instanbul, Turkey, 23-25 September 1998

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Production of poly-β-hydroxybutirrate by Lampropedia spp. isolated from activated sludge for phosphorus removal
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference L. Stante, C. M. Cellamare, F. Malaspina, G. Bortone, A. Tilche
Paper, Atti del "Tenth Forum For Applied Biotechnology (FAB)", Bruges, Belgium, 26 - 27 settembre 1996

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Cheese whey and cheese factory wastewater treatment with a combined biological anaerobic-aerobic plant
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Reference F. Malaspina, L. Stante, C. M. Cellamare, A. Tilche
Paper, Atti del "Third International Symposium on Waste Managment Problems in Agro-Industry", Mexico City, 2 - 4 ottobre 1995

  Pubblication type  Paper National Conference with referee (40 records; click here to hide/show)
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Whole Building Design for Energy-efficent Interactive Building
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Whole Building Design for Energy-efficent Interactive Building, Paola Clerici Maestosi e AA.VV., in 40th World Congress on Housing, Sustainable Housing Construction, Paper, atti del convegno, 2014

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Smart Interactive Building
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Smart Interactive Building, Paola Clerici Maestosi e AA.VV. in World Sustainable Building2014, Paper, atti del convegno, 2014

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Metabolismo ecosistemico e dinamiche dell’azoto nei maceri, ambienti lentici artificiali inseriti nel contesto agricolo padano
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference XXIV Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia, S.It.E., 15-19/09/2014, Ferrara

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How can different models for calculating digestate emissions affect the LCA results: the case of an Italian anaerobic digestion plant
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Fantin, V., Giuliano, A., Manfredi, M., Ottaviano, G., Stefanova, M., Masoni, P.
Ecomondo 18 Fiera Internazionale del recupero di materia ed energia e dello sviluppo sostenibile. Strumenti per la valutazione della sostenibilità di prodotti/processi: Environmental and Social LCA, Life Cycle Costing, Environmental Footprint, Carbon & Water Footprint, Emergy, MFA'. Rimini Fiera Giovedì 6 novembre 2014

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Analisi di Anidrozuccheri, Frazione Carboniosa e Ioni Inorganici Solubili sul Particolato Emesso da Sistemi di Riscaldamento a Biomassa Solida: Studio Preliminare.
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference M. Stracquadanio, T.M.G. La Torretta, L. A. Stante, A. Malaguti, C. Telloli, E. Petralia, R. Nuzzi, M. Berico, F. Hugony, M. Gualtieri, G. Migliavacca, C. Morreale.
Presentazione Orale Conferenza Nazionale PM2014 Genova 20-23 Maggio 2014.

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Uso del GIS per il piano di ricostruzione di Arsita
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Marghella G., Marzo A., Moretti L., Indirli M.
"Uso del GIS per il piano di ricostruzione di Arsita"
ANIDIS 2013 - XV Convegno

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Tecnologie geomatiche integrate di rilievo e rappresentazione per valutazioni interdisciplinari di rischio e resilienza: il piano di ricostruzione post-sisma per il comune di Arsita (Teramo)
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Indirli M., Moretti L., Geremei F., Marzo A., Marghella G.
'Tecnologie geomatiche integrate di rilievo e rappresentazione per valutazioni interdisciplinari di rischio e resilienza: il piano di ricostruzione post-sisma per il comune di Arsita (Teramo)'
17 conferenza nazionale ASITA

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Smartphone e tablet: il ruolo delle nuove tecnologie per il GIS nel piano di ricostruzione del Comune di Arsita (Teramo)
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Moretti L., Formisano A., Geremei F., Indirli M., Marghella G., Marzo A.
"Smartphone e tablet: il ruolo delle nuove tecnologie per il GIS nel piano di ricostruzione del Comune di Arsita (Teramo)"
GIS DAY - Il GIS: la gestione del territorio

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L'era post-PC: utilizzo avanzato dei nuovi strumenti digitali
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Bruni S., Indirli M., Maino G., Marghella G., Marzo A., Moretti L., Travierso L.
"L'era post-PC: utilizzo avanzato dei nuovi strumenti digitali"
Lo stato dell'arte 11 - XI Edizione del Congresso Nazionale IGIIC

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Earthquake and Cultural Heritage - The 2012 seismic event in Emilia Romagna
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Indirli M., Carpani B., Marghella G., Marzo A., Gambatesa T.
"Terremoto e patrimonio culturale - L'evento sismico del 2012 in Emilia Romagna"
ANIDIS 2013 - XV Convegno

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Stato dell’arte e ottimizzazione di processo per la produzione di bio-hythane dalla FORSU
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Giuliano, A., Cavinato, C., Pavan, P., Bolzonella, D., Cecchi, F.
16 Fiera internazionale ECOMONDO 2012 (Rimini 6-9 novembre 2012).IV Conferenza: la valorizzazione integrata di sottoprodotti e rifiuti agroalimentari e valorizzazione energetica della forsu via digestione e co-digestione anaerobica.

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Pretrattamenti di fanghi e FORSU per l’ottimizzazione della digestione anaerobica di sottoprodotti e rifiuti agroalimentari
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Cavinato, C., Giuliano, A., Novarino, D., Ruffino, B.
16 Fiera internazionale ECOMONDO 2012 (Rimini 6-9 novembre 2012).IV Conferenza: la valorizzazione integrata di sottoprodotti e rifiuti agroalimentari e valorizzazione energetica della forsu via digestione e co-digestione anaerobica.

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Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Anzalone C., Giunchi D.
H2O - Water Efficiency Conference, Ferrara, 23-25 maggio 2012.

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Water management in the textile industry: the aquafit4use project
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., Vajnhandl S., Majcen Le Marechal A., Farina R.
Atti dei seminari ECOMONDO 2011, Rimini, 9-12 novembre 2011, pp. 1175-1180

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Utilizzo di modelli matematici a supporto di attività sperimentali per la gestione automatica degli impianti di depurazione
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Giunchi D., Marsibilio F., Pulcini D.
Italian DHI User Conference. Torino 11-12 ottobre 2011.

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Club Ambientali per le Piccole e Medie Imprese Alimentari: il progetto S4food-Services for Water and inTegrated teCHniques for FOODindustry
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Misceo M.,Cellamare C.M.,Farina R.,Santi D.
Atti dei seminari ECOMONDO 2011, Rimini, 9-12 novembre 2011, pp. 1175-1180

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Analisi anagrafica stazioni qualità dell'aria ed estrazione dei dati per la validazione del modello nazionale MINNI
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference G. Righini, G. Cremona, A. Piersanti, L. Ciancarella, M. D'Isidoro, M.
Mircea, L. Vitali, I. Cionni, G. Zanini
Analisi anagrafica stazioni qualità dell'aria ed estrazione dei dati per la validazione del modello nazionale MINNI
Atti della 15 Conferenza Nazionale ASITA - Reggia di Colorno, Parma,
15-18 Novembre 2011 pp. 1837-1844.

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Riuso delle acque nell’industria: aspetti ambientali, di sicurezza e di salute nella legislazione europea e dei Paesi membri
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference R. Farina e C. M. Cellamare
Presentazione Ecomondo 2010

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Esperienze innovative nel settore della gestione avanzata degli impianti di depurazione
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Sottara D., Anzalone C., Giunchi D.
H2O - Water Efficiency Conference, Ferrara, 21 maggio 2010.

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Strategies for water reuse in the textile industry
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Mattioli D., Grilli S., Spagni A., D’Accurso S.
Atti dei seminari ECOMONDO 2009, Rimini, 28-31 ottobre 2009, pp. 691-697

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Controllo intelligente in linea per una gestione efficiente e sostenibile degli impianti di depurazione. Caso di Studio: Impianto SBR
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Sottara D., Colombini G., Manservisi A., Mello P.
Atti e Convegni di Ecomondo 2009, Rimini 28-31 ottobre 2009

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A wavelet based heuristic to dimension neural networks for signal approximation
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Colombini G., Sottara D., Luccarini L., Mello P.
Submitted to WIRN2009. The 19th Italian Workshop on Neural Networks, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, May 28-30 2009.

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Utilizzo di modelli matematici per la gestione degli impianti di depurazione acque
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A.
Atti dei seminari ECOMONDO 2008, Rimini, 5-8 novembre 2008, pp. 145-149.

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Tecniche di trattamento dell’effluente della digestione anaerobica: l’applicazione della tecnologia SBR al caso dei reflui suinicoli
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Petta L.
Presentazione al Workshop ENEA 'La digestione anaerobica per la produzione di biogas: come coniugare ambiente ed energia', organizzato nell’ambito della Fiera H2O, Ferrara, 23 Maggio 2008.

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Strumenti di IA per il controllo e la diagnosi dei processi biologici negli impianti a fanghi attivi
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Sottara D., Luccarini L., Mello P.
Atti e Convegni di Ecomondo, Rimini 5-8 novembre 2008.

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La depurazione delle acque, sistemi innovativi e a basso impatto ambientale (Labmeeting O) e Sistemi integrati aerobico-anaerobico per il trattamento dei reflui zootecnici (Labmeeting P)
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Petta L.
Presentazioni orali nell’ambito della manifestazione Ravenna 2008, 3-6 Ottobre 2008

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Il Progetto EMWATER Efficient Management of Wastewater, its Treatment and Reuse in the Mediterranean Countries: Descrizione e Risultati Finali
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Petta L.
Presentazione al Convegno Acqualab "Tecnologie appropriate nei paesi in via di sviluppo", organizzato nell’ambito della Fiera H2O, Ferrara, 22 Maggio 2008.

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Favorire i batteri ammonio ossidanti rispetto ai nitrito ossidanti in cerca di una scorciatoia nel ciclo dell’azoto: un’esperienza con il percolato di discarica
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A.
Atti del 18 Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia. 1-3 settembre 2008, Parma, Italy. SItE ATTI 27

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Controllo e gestione intelligente degli impianti di depurazione
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Colombini G., Sottara D., Mello P.
Atti e Convegni di Ecomondo 2008, Rimini 5-8 novembre 2008.

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Una nuova etichetta ambientale di prodotto basata sul sistema POEMS: applicazione alle aziende del settore legno-arredo
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference R. Luciani, C. Rinaldi, A. Zamagni, P. Masoni, Una nuova etichetta ambientale di prodotto basata sul sistema POEMS: applicazione alle aziende del settore legno-arredo, I Quaderni di Ecomondo - Ambiente & Territorio, , Atti dei Seminari, (Maggioli Editore, Novembre 2007). ISBN 978-88-387-3979-X
Keywords LCA, furniture, environmental label, POEMS

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Rimozione biologica dell'azoto da percolato di discarica
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., Farina R.
Atti Ecomondo 2007. Rimini, 7-10 Novembre 2007

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Tecniche di intelligenza artificiale per la gestione e il controllo di impianti di depurazione. Caso di studio: SBR in scala pilota alimentato con refluo reale
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Grilli S., Sottara D., Mello P., Bragadin G.L., Mancini M.
Atti e Convegni di Ecomondo 2006, Rimini 8-11 novembre 2006.

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Caratterizzazione geochimica e microbiologica dei sedimenti della Sacca di Goro
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference L. Bertelli, C. Vaccaro, C.M. Cellamare, A. Malaguti, E. Tesini, L. Trentini
Presentazione orale, Convegno ' Evoluzione in un ambiente lagunare: aspetti sedimentologici e morfodinamici ', Ferrara 28 aprile 2006

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Applicazione di metodi grafici per la valutazione della sedimentabilità del fango attivo
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Arelli A., Luccarini L., Madoni P., Guglielmi L.
Atti e Convegni di Ecomondo 2006, Rimini 8-11 novembre 2006.

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Panoramica del pensiero filosofico sull'ambiente
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Pagano P.
In: Frega Giuseppe (a cura di), "Tecniche per la Difesa dall'Inquinamento" Editoriale BIOS, pp.39-49; Atti del 24 congresso, Guardia Piemontese Terme 18-21 giugno 2003

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Monitoraggio on-line di processi a fanghi attivi mediante sensore a titolazione pH/DOstat automatico
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Canziani R., Ficara E., Fiocchi N., Luccarini L., Mariani S., Pirani M., Ratini P.
Atti dei Seminari di Ecomondo 2004, Rimini 4-6 novembre 2004.

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Tecnologie di bonifica: condizioni per lo sviluppo di tecnologie innovative
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference S. Tunesi, C. M. Cellamare
Presentazione, Atti del Convegno "Bonifica dei siti inquinati: Tecniche innovative, ricerca e trasferimento tecnologico", Roma 25-26 settembre 2001

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Sviluppo di sistemi intelligenti di misura per il monitoraggio e il controllo di impianti di depurazione
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Ratini P., Bortone G., Luccarini L., Albanesi S.
45 Convegno nazionale ANIPLA, volume delle memorie, Ancona 22-23 novembre 2001.

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Modellizzazione, controllo ed automazione negli impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., Petta L., Giordano A., Bastianutti C.
Presentazione orale. 2nd Convention Nazionale A.R.G. (Ambiente Ricerca Giovani). Rotondella (MT) 23-26 Ottobre 2001

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Controllo ed automazione negli impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue.
Pubblication type Paper National Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., Bortone G., Luccarini L., Ratini P.
Presentazione orale al 45 Convegno Nazionale ANIPLA (Associazione Nazionale Italiana Per L’Automazione), Ancona 22-23 novembre 2001. Volume delle Memorie: 121-126

  Pubblication type  Paper Conference without referee (31 records; click here to hide/show)
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Neutron detection devices with 6LiF converter layers
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference EPJ Web of Conferences 170 (2018) 01004.
Keywords Thermal neutron detectors; 3He replacement; 6LiF neutron converter; silicon detectors.

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Functional recovery in urban industrial areas
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Functional recovery in urban industrial areas' Paola Clerici Maestosi in Sustainable Cities 2012, WIT Paper, atti del convegno, Paola Clerici Maestosi, 2011

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Acqua: un bene da preservare.
La casa del futuro, 'Il progetto Aquasave', Sistema sperimentale per il risparmio idrico,
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Failla B., Stante L., ENEA (Ente nazionale per le Nuove tecnologie, l'Energia e l'Ambiente); ARPA - Sezione Provinciale di Bologna (Agenzia Regionale Prevenzione e Ambiente dell'Emilia Romagna); Az. USL (Azienda U. S. L. della Città di Bologna/Dipartimento di Prevenzione); Cooperativa edificatrice Giuseppe Dozza; Hera SpA - Società Energia Ambiente Bologna; Studio Architetto Scagliarini; Comune di Bologna (Settore Ambiente e Territorio).
'Strategie comunicative e Innovazioni tecnologiche per il risparmio idrico'.
Tecnologia, progettualità ed innovazioni per il risparmio idrico.
Paper. Convegno. A.A.T.O. n.3, Macerata. Tolentino (MC), Abbadia di Fiastra, Sala convegni,
20 marzo 2009.

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La tracciabilità dei carichi di azoto del bacino Burana-Volano, designato 'vulnerabile ai nitrati di origine agricola' (D. L. 152/99) tramite il metodo basato sulla stima del rapporto isotopico 15N/14N
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Castaldelli G., Vincenzi F., Cibinetto T., Malaguti A., Tesini E., La Torretta T., Rossi R., Fano E. A.
'R2B' Bologna (2008) Poster

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Note su processi di collaborazione e reti di fornitura nel tessile abbigliamento
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference P. De Sabbata, 'Note su processi di collaborazione e reti di fornitura nel tessile abbigliamento', in TECNOMODALAB, Studi su moda e tecnologia', a cura di Livio Billo, Stefano Franzo, pp135-154, edited by CLUEP sc, Padova, 2007, ISBN 978-88-6129-108-9

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Filosofia ambientale: una panoramica
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Pagano P.
SEMINARI DI "ies RP": integrazione di aspetti etici e sociali nella Radioprotezione; Milano 15, 16, 18 Febbraio 2005 ISBN 88-901562-9-5

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Atmospheric depositions in Bologna (Italy): local, regional and long-range influences on the chemical composition
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Morselli L., Bernardi E., Vassura I., Passarini F., Tesini E.
"Acid Rain 2005"; Atti della 'VII Conference on Acid Deposition', Praga, (2005), Comunicazione orale

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La filosofia ambientale e il progetto 'archeologia industriale del mare'
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Quaderni Areamedinit, 'Prima giornata di studi sull’archeologia industriale del mare', a bordo della Nave Scuola Militare Italiana 'Amerigo Vespucci', Venezia 29-10-2004, pp. 27-34, EDI House, Bologna, 2004

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Il rapporto uomo-ambiente
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Quaderni Areamedinit, 'Seconda giornata di studi sull’archeologia industriale del mare', L'uomo, il tempo, il mare, Orbetello 17/18 dicembre 2004, pp. 61-68, EDI House, Bologna, 2004

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Sperimentazione di sorveglianza in continuo dello sviluppo algale presso l’invaso di Ridracoli
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Malaguti A., Tesini E.
Convegno 'H2O Obiettivo 2000', Trieste, (2003), Poster

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La radioattività nell'ambiente costruito: origini ed effetti sulla salute
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Esposito M., Pagano P., Bartolomei P., Minach L.
BioArchitettura, n. 33, sett-ott 2003

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Utilizzo del rapporto isotopico di Carbonio e Azoto per l’identificazione dell’origine prevalente della sostanza organica nei sedimenti
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Tesini E., Malaguti A.
Atti del Convegno 'Geofluid', Piacenza, (2002), Contributo orale

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Radioattività naturale nelle piastrelle ceramiche
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Buzzi L., Lorenzelli R., Tesini E.
Atti del 'V Simposio sulle metodologie radiometriche e radiochimiche nella radioprotezione' Urbino, (1996), Presentazione orale

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Radioattività naturale nelle piastrelle ceramiche
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Alboni M., Bruzzi L., Nanni E., Tesini E., Lorenzelli R.
Atti del 'V Simposio sulle metodologie radiometriche e radiochimiche nella radioprotezione' Urbino (1996)

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Studio sulla migrazione di 137Cs e 90Sr nel bacino del fiume Adige
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Alboni M., Lamma A., Lorenzelli R., Salvatori L., Salvi S., Tesini E.
Atti del 'XXIX Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Radioprotezione" (1995) Poster

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Determinazione dell' 238U in materiali ceramici e refrattari mediante spettrometria gamma
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Alboni M., Nanni E., Tesini E., Lorenzelli R.
Atti 'XXIX Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Radioprotezione" (1995)

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Monitoraggio della radioattività ambientale nell’Adriatico Centro-settentrionale 1986-1991
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Alboni M., Delfanti R., Fiore V., Lorenzelli R., Moretti L., Papucci C., Salvi S., Tesini E.
Atti del "6 Congresso nazionale Società Italiana di Ecologia", Venezia, 1994

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Distribuzione di 137Cs e 90Sr nei bacini idrici del Reno e del Marecchia
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Alboni M., Lamma A., Lorenzelli R., L., Salvi S., Tesini E.
Atti del Convegno 'La Radioattività ambientale nell’area del Mar Mediterraneo', Isola del Giglio (GR), (1994), Contributo orale

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Studio sui fenomeni di trasporto e sedimentazione nelle Valli di Comacchio con traccianti radioattivi già presenti nell’ambiente vallivo
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Alboni M., Lorenzelli R., Malaguti A., Rossi G., Salvatori L., Salvi S., Silingardi D., Tesini E.
Atti del "XXVIII Congresso nazionale Associazione Italiana di Radioprotezione ", Palermo (1993) Contributo orale

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Nutriens and primary production in an hipersaline shallow lagoon
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Barilli L., Lorenzelli R., Malaguti A, Mazzone N., Olivieri P., Salvi S., Silingardi D., Tesini E.
Atti del "XXII Congresso nazionale di Chimica Inorganica' (1993) poster

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Correlation between nutrient concentration and seaweed activity in the Comacchio wetland
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Barilli L., Malaguti A, Mazzone N., Olivieri P., Silingardi D., Tesini E.
Atti del Convegno "Perspective in inorganic chemistry', Bressanone (BZ) (1993) Poster

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Preliminary results on radiocesium distribution in the Comacchio Valley
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Alboni M., R. Lorenzelli, Malaguti A, Salvi S., Silingardi D., Tesini E.
Atti del "17 Congresso nazionale Società Italiana Chimica IANUACHEM 92", Genova (1992) Contributo orale

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Indagine preliminare sulla distribuzione del 137Cs nelle Valli di Comacchio
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Alboni M., Lorenzelli R., Malaguti A., Silingardi D., Tesini E.
Atti del Convegno nazionale 'Isotopi naturali ed artificiali nell’ambiente: aspetti radioprotezionistici e biochimici' Maratea (1992) Contributo orale

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Distribuzione dei radionuclidi artificiali nell’ambiente costiero dell’Alto Adriatico 1986-90
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Papucci C., Delfanti R., Fiore V., Salvi S., Lorenzelli R., Tesini E., Nocente N., Cerea E., Spezzano P.
Atti del "IV Simposio sulle metodologie radiometriche e radiochimiche nella radioprotezione" (1992) Contributo orale

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Chernobyl derived radiocesium in marine sediments near the Po River Delta
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Albertazzi S., Alboni M., Frignani, M., Langone L., Ravaioli M., Tesini E.
Atti del "Congresso dei Gruppi Interdivisionali della Società Chimica Italiana' (ed. CESIAM) Chianciano Terme (SI) (1992) Contributo orale

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Phisico-Chemical trends and Tropical level in Comacchio Wetlands water
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Tesini E.
Atti del Congresso Interdivisionale della Società Chimica Italiana; Chianciano Terme (1991) Poster

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Il controllo della discarica RSU di Bentivoglio attraverso la misura del 137Cs nel percolato e nelle acque di falda
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Tesini E., Moretti L., Antolini A., Tesini A.
Proceedings Sardinia 91, Third International Landfill Symposium "Biogas disposal and utilization, choice of material and quality control, landfill completion and aftercare, environmental monitoring', Volume II, 14-18 October 1991, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy. Poster

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Chernobyl radionuclides as tracers of sedimentation in the northen Adriatic Sea
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Delfanti R., Fiore V., Papucci C., Moretti L., Tesini E., Salvi S., Bortoluzzi S., Nocente N., Spezzano P.
Atti del Simposio Internazionale "Radionuclides in the study of marine process' (1991) Poster

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Presentazione di una procedura per la determinazione rapida dello 90Sr nel latte
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Tesini E., Tubertini O., Mazzone N., Tositti L.
Atti Convegno , Pavia (1989) Poster

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Modelli di trasferimento e di misura
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Monte L., Salvatori L., Tesini E.
Convegno Piacenza (1989) Contributo orale

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Confronto tra procedure chimiche diverse per la determinazione dello 90Sr nel particellato atmosferico
Pubblication type Paper Conference without referee
Reference Tesini E., Tubertini O., Mazzone N., Tositti L.
Atti Convegno , Pavia (1989) Poster

  Pubblication type  Paper Journal without referee (19 records; click here to hide/show)
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Le Energy Community nel quadro delle politiche europee e nazionali per la transizione energetica
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Marialaura Di Somma, Claudia Meloni, Gianluca D’Agosta,
"Le Energy Community nel quadro delle politiche europee e nazionali per la transizione energetica", in "Energia, ambiente e innovazione", n.2/2020, DOI 10.12910/EAI2020-XXX
Repository reference DI224-049

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Le Energy Community nel quadro delle politiche europee e nazionali per la transizione energetica
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Marialaura Di Somma, Claudia Meloni, Gianluca D’Agosta,
Focus ENEA: 'Le Energy Community nel quadro delle politiche europee e nazionali per la transizione energetica', su Energia, ambiente e innovazione 2/2020.
DOI 10.12910/EAI2020-XXX
Repository reference DI224-049
Keywords energy community, citizen engagement, renewable energy

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Bentornata Tartaruga
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference R. Guzzinati
Articolo per mensile INFEA News: Bentornata Tartaruga - notizie della Rete Regionale del Veneto sul tema della tutela e salvaguardia di specie e habitat e su tutela e conservazione di tartarughe marine - ARPAV - Settore per la Prevenzione e la Comunicazione Ambientale Centro Regionale di Coordinamento IN.F.E.A. 2011

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La storia di Amala e Kamala
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Diogene, n.17, pp. 47-9, 2009

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Imparare dall'anemone
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Diogene, n.15, pp. 31-4, 2009

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Il ragazzo dell'Aveyron
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Diogene, n.17, pp. 41-3, 2009

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Noi bipedi e gli altri
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Diogene, n.12, sett. 2008, pp. 9-11

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La filosofia ambientale nel dibattito sul futuro dell'umanità
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Biologando, anno 11, n.1-4, pp. 6-7, 2007

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Radici storiche della filosofia ambientale
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Experience, n.1, pp.39-45, 2004

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Panoramica del pensiero filosofico sull'ambiente
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Gres Econews, anno 10, n. 2, pp. 14-19, ottobre 2003

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Nel giardino di Monet
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano B., Pagano P.
Oltre, n.11, giugno 2003, pp. 22-23

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Le memorie biologiche
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Oltre, anno VI, vol.12, pp.28-35, 2003

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La vita nei boschi
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Oltre, n.11, giugno 2003, pp. 16-21

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Il valore della natura
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Aretè, anno 13, n. 1, pp. 15-19, luglio 2003

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Il pensiero umano e l'ambiente
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Rinascita, 5/2003, p.3

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Rapportarci con il mondo che ci circonda
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Aretè, anno 12, numero 3, pp. 15-18, ottobre 2002

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L'ordine della natura
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Oltre, n.10, pp. 12-17, giugno 2002

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Filosofia ambientale: quale visione?
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Pagano P.
Giornale Italiano delle Malattie del Torace, anno 56 , Numero 5/2002, p.338-40

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Effetto nube
Pubblication type Paper Journal without referee
Reference Tesini E.
Rivista 'Consumatori', Bologna, 1990 (Articolo divulgativo)

  Pubblication type  Poster International Conference with referee (52 records; click here to hide/show)
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Use of gamma spectroscopy for characterization and traceability of beans
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna (Austria). Session Geochemical and isotopic methodologies for traceability and food security (ITS3.10/ERE1.7/BG2.22/SSS9.13)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16291

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Tritium as a marker for anthropogenic pollution and for the vulnerability assessment of groundwater systems
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Goldschmidt, 2021
Keywords Triutium, Cosmogenic isotope, 3H enrichment, recharge balance, anthropogenic pollution.

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Traceability of extra virgin olive oil: geochemical and environmental fingerprints revealed by ICP-MS-QQQ analysis
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna (Austria). Session Geochemical and isotopic methodologies for traceability and food security (ITS3.10/ERE1.7/BG2.22/SSS9.13)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7480

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Reference indicators enabling preliminary evaluations of the impact of radioactive releases on agricultural products
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna (Austria). Session Geochemical and isotopic methodologies for traceability and food security (ITS3.10/ERE1.7/BG2.22/SSS9.13)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-474

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Petrographic investigations on stone materials of modern mosaic tiles

Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference MedGU - 1st Mediterranean Geosciences Union (Springer), Istanbul (Turchia)
Keywords Mosaic Tiles, Cultural Heritage.

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Life cycle of chlorine in geochemical environment
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference http://www.etson.eu/node/131

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Characterization and analysis of groundwater recharge through tritium measurements
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna (Austria). Session Geoscience applications of environmental radioactivity (GI6.2)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-490

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Anomalous measurements at sep63 ims station in june 2020: a preliminary forensic approach
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna (Austria). Session International Monitoring System and On-site Verification for the CTBT, disaster risk reduction and Earth sciences (NH8.6)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9390

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Radon and CO2 tracer for radioxenon subsurface sampling in the On Site Inspection
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference EGU GeneralAssembly 2020, Session International Monitoring System and On-site Verification for the CTBT, disaster risk reduction and Earth sciences
DOI: http://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-21039
Repository reference CW138-001

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Characterization of carbon compounds from binder and plasticiezers of explosives
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference 2nd Scientific International Conference on CBRNe SICC Series 2020, Rome (Italy)
Keywords Plastic Explosive; Raman, Digital Database; Isotope Ratio.

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Characterization and analysis of groundwater recharge through tritium measurements
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference REMTECH EXPO: Emerging pollutants and diffuse pollution. Ferrara (Italy)
Repository reference CW138-002

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Applications of Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy as a rapid diagnostic test for COVID19
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference ECOMONDO 2020

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A novel method for PFAS removal in water for human use
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference REMTECH EXPO: Emerging pollutants and diffuse pollution. Ferrara (Italy)
Repository reference CW138-003

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Xenon radioisotopes measurement as monitoring tool for transuranic radioactive wastes
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Modern2020 Final Conference
09-11 April, 2019
Paris (Francia)
Repository reference DI138-018

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Statistical study of the atmospheric background and anomalous values of the radioxenon activity concentrations at some IMS stations
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference CTBT. S&T 2019 Conference
24-28 giugno 2019
Vienna (Austria)
Poster n. T2.4-P52
Repository reference DI138-031

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Monitoring techniques for Cl2 and CO2 de-absorbed from irradiated graphite
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference CHANCE Topical Day
21-22 March 2019
Mechelen (Belgium)
Repository reference DI138-015

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Isotopes content analysis in saturated-unsaturated transition area and in the groundwater to support the investigation of nuclear underground events.
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference EGU General Assembly 2019
07-12 April, 2019
Vienna (Austria)
Repository reference DI138-017

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Food Traceability and Air Safety
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference IAEA General Conference
Nuclear Technologies for Sustainable Societies: Taking Care of the Past, Present and Future.
Focus on technologies employed to protect ancient works of art, to ensure food safety and security and to monitor and protect the environment
Vienna (Austria)
16 settembre 2019

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Capparis spinosa L. Aeolian Islands
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference IAEA General Conference
Nuclear Technologies for Sustainable Societies: Taking Care of the Past, Present and Future.
Focus on technologies employed to protect ancient works of art, to ensure food safety and security and to monitor and protect the environment
Vienna (Austria)
16 settembre 2019
Repository reference DI138-032

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Applying an anti-coincidence system plastic-HPGe to lower the MDA of radioxenon measurement
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference CTBT. S&T 2019 Conference
24-28 giugno 2019
Vienna (Austria)
Poster n. T3.1-P7
Repository reference DI138-030

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Preliminary analysis of gaseous 14C radiological impact in a geological repository hosted in salt rock.
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference IGD-TP Exchange Forum 8
3-4 December 2018
Berlino (Germania)
Repository reference DI138-016

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Multielement profiling by ICP-MS in food traceability
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference 2nd European ICP-QQQ Forum
Spetember 19-22, 2018
Munich, Germany
Repository reference DI138-014

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Ionic Exchange Resins as 14C filters: SEM/EDXRS study
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry
24 - 29 June 2018
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Repository reference DI138-012

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Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference 4th International CBRNe Workshop "IW CBRNe 2018"
Countering Radiological and Nuclear Threats
Novembre 8, 2018
Rome, Italy
Repository reference DI138-011

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Evolution of IERs
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference The 23rd International Radiocarbon Conference
17 - 22 giugno 2018 a Trondheim (Norvegia)
Poster n. 286

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ENEA 14C laboratory update
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference The 23rd International Radiocarbon Conference
17 - 22 giugno 2018 a Trondheim (Norvegia)
Poster n. 285
Repository reference DI138-013

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Shielding of Portable High Purity Germanium Detectors for Use in Stand Alone Configuration
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference CTBT. S&T 2017 conference in Vienna, Austria, 9 - 11 June 2017
Poster n. T 3.2-P06
Repository reference DI138-010

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On Site Carbon Dioxide and stable isotopologues measurement to support OSI subsurface gas sampling
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference CTBT. S&T 2017 conference in Vienna, Austria, 9 - 11 June 2017
Poster n. T2.2-P08
Repository reference DI138-009

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Isotopic laser spectroscopy for d13C ratio of explosion products
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Istituto Superiore Antincendi - Roma, 22-23-24/05/2017
Repository reference DI138-008

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Energy Saving and Efficiency Tool A sectorial decision support model for energy consumption reduction in manufacturing SMEs
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Branchetti, S., Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., Frascella, A., Nigliaccio, G. and Zambelli, M.
Energy Saving and Efficiency Tool - A Sectorial Decision Support Model for Energy Consumption Reduction in Manufacturing SMEs.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2016), pages 330-339
ISBN: 978-989-758-184-7
Repository reference DI456-036
Keywords Energy Efficiency, Energy Saving Measures, Intelligent Models, Rule Sets, Benchmark, Self-diagnosis,
Sustainable Economy, Energy Consumption Awareness

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Adsorption on Rare Earths Ions onto Zeolites
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference R. Guzzinati
Poster: Adsorption on Rare Earths Ions onto Zeolites -
XXV Congresso della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della SCI, Trieste - 2015

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Assessment of the ecotoxicological effects of natural organic coagulants in primary treatment of wastewaters at urban and industrial level.
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Sabia G., Giuliano A., De Gisi S., Spagni A., Farina R.
Poster presentation at: "Emergency environment: the ecotoxicology as a management tool. The research, monitoring by Agencies and private world".
Study Days - Sixth Edition. "Research and application of ecotoxicological methods in aquatic environment sand contaminated matrices."
Livorno, 11-13 November 2014

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A novel functional biodegradable electrospun membrane for nutrient recovery
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Gualandi,C., Paltrinieri,L., Zucchelli,A., Cellamare,C.M., Farina,R., Focarete, M.L.
3RD International Conference on electrospinning, 4-7 August 2014, San Francisco, CA

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Post-earthquake recovery of architectural heritage - Diagnostics, GIS documentation and restoration
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Bruni S., Gugliandolo A., Algarra Cruz E.L., Maino G. Marghella G., Marzo A., Moretti L., Segreto M.-A. Travierso L.
"Post-earthquake recovery of architectural heritage - Diagnostics, GIS documentation and restoration"
Built Heritage 2013: monitoring, conservation and management (Online proceedings of the conference)

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Implementation of water efficiency strategies for Italian urban wastewater treatment plants through performance indicators assessment.
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference De Gisi S., Petta L., Farina R. (2013),
Poster presentation at the '7th IWA specialist conference on efficience use and management of water', October 22th, 23th, 24th, 25th, Paris, France 2013.

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Alteration phenomena on surfaces of stained glasses by Masters from XIII to XV centuries
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Algarra Cruz E.L., Barbier N., Bruni S., Maino G., Marghella G., Volpe L.
"Alteration phenomena on surfaces of stained glasses by Masters from XIII to XV centuries"
InterM 2013 - International multidisciplinary microscopy congress

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The use of modeling to implement strategies in automatic control of WWTPs
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Pulcini D., Marsibilio F., Di Francia M., Mancini M., Sottara D.
Submitted and accepted as poster presentation to SIDISA 2012 - 9 Edizione Milano, 26 - 29 Giugno 2012.

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The sandstone in Bologna, Petra and Mtskheta: investigation by SEM microanalysis and petrographic characterization
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Bruni S., Indirli M., Maino G., Marghella G., Marzo A. , Moretti L.
"The sandstone in Bologna, Petra and Mtskheta: investigation by SEM microanalysis and petrographic characterization"
EMAS 2012 Regional workshop

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On the discovery of titanium dioxide and its use in paintings
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Bruni S., Indirli M., Maino G., Marghella G., Marzo A. , Moretti L.
"On the discovery of titanium dioxide and its use in paintings"
EMAS 2012 Regional workshop

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Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Poster WOSMIP 2011
Workshop on Signatures of Medical and Industrial Isotope Production
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Castello di Strassoldo di Sopra (Udine, Italy), June 13-17, 2011
E. Nava, P. Bartolomei, R. Lorenzelli, F. Padoani, A. Rizzo, S. Salvi

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Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference poster INGE_2011
International Noble Gas Experiment Workshop 2011, 6-10 December 2011,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

P.Bartolomei, R. Lorenzelli, E.Nava, F.Padoani, A. Rizzo, S. Salvi
Repository reference DI138-001

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Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference S&T 2011 conference in Vienna, Austria, 8 - 10 June 2011.

A. Rizzo, E. Nava, S. Salvi, P. Bartolomei, R. Lorenzelli, F. Padoani

Repository reference DI138-003

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Modelling population dynamics of ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacteria for nitrogen removal via nitrite
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Marsili-Libelli S., Spagni A.
Poster presentation at Specialised Conference on Microbial Population Dynamics in Biological Wastewater Treatment (ASPD5), Aalborg, Denmark, May 24-27 2009.

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Microbial characterization of a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating azo dye wastewater
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Cellamare C.M., Stante L., Casu S. and Spagni A.
Poster presentation at Specialised Conference on Microbial Population Dynamics in Biological Wastewater Treatment (ASPD5), Aalborg, Denmark, May 24-27 2009

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AI-based rules for event recognition and control applied to SBR systems
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Mello P., Sottara D., Spagni A.
Proceedings of the 4th IWA Sequencing Batch Reactor Technology Conference, Rome, Italy, April 7-10, 2008. Poster Presentation, pp 155-158

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Methodology for the quantification of the exposure and the health risk deriving from soil contamination in a vast area
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference S. Tunesi C.M. Cellamare
Poster, BOSICON 2006 International Conference on the Remediation of Polluted Sites, Roma 14-15 Febbraio 2006

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Feasibility of heavy metal polluted lagoon sediment phytoremediation: a pilot - scale application
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference A. Giordano, C.M. Cellamare, R. Cesaro, F. Pirozzi and G. Bortone
Poster, BOSICON 2006 International Conference on the Remediation of Polluted Sites, Roma 14-15 Febbraio 2006

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Modelling anaerobic treatment of distillery wastewaters using the Anaerobic Digestion Model N.1
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., Giordano A., Cellamare C. M., Molinaro S., Farina R.
Poster Presentation, Proceeding of The First International Workshop on the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1. September 4-6 2005, Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark

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EMWATER Project Efficient Management of Wastewater, its Treatment and Reuse in the MEDA Countries
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Petta L.
Poster Presentation. Euro-Med Conference of Water Directors, Roma 24-25 Novembre 2005

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Misassumptions in COD measurement in wastewaters containing high concentration of VFA
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Farina R., Bernard O., Steyer J-P., Conte T., Lema J., Roca E., Ruiz G., Franco A., Cellamare C.M., Spagni A., Martinez J.A.
Presentato come Poster al 10 World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion (AD10-2004). Proceedings of '10th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion (AD10-2004)' Montreal (Canada) 29 August - 2 September 2004. Volume three pp. 1325-1328.

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Attività della sezione depurazione AMB. TEIN. DEP. dell' ENEA di Bologna
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference G. Bortone, L. Stante, C. M. Cellamare
Poster, First Workshop of Cost Action 624, Optimal Managment of the Wastewater Systems, xTomar, Portugal, 3-6 October 1999

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Improvements to the IAWQ N. 2 Model for nutrient removal from wastewater
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Reference Spagni A., Bortone G., Buday J., Marsili-Libelli S., Ratini A., Tilche A.
Poster presentation at VII International Congress of Ecology (INTECOL). Florence (Italy) 19-25 July 1998

  Pubblication type  Poster National Conference with referee (20 records; click here to hide/show)
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Electrolytic enrichment method for the determination of tritium in aquifers: tritium as an indicator of anthropogenic pollution
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference SIMP2021 https://www.geoscienze.org/trieste2021/BECong/sessione_programma.php?sessione2=11

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Studio dei processi legati alle dinamiche dell’azoto nei maceri della pianura emiliana
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference Presentazione del poster "Studio dei processi legati alle dinamiche dell’azoto nei maceri della pianura emiliana" (Tesini E., Busi S., Casella P., Bartoli M., Soana E., Castaldelli G.)
a RemTech (Ferrara, 21- 23 settembre 2016), presso lo stand: "Il Chimico Italiano - CNC". (CNC=Consiglio Nazionale dei Chimici)

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Adsorption on rare earths ions on zeolites
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference R. Guzzinati
Poster: Adsorption on rare earths ions on zeolites -
XV Giornata della Chimica dell’Emilia Romagna, Modena - 2015

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Metabolismo ecosistemico e dinamiche dell’azoto nei maceri, ambienti lentici artificiali inseriti nel contesto agricolo padano.
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
L’Ecologia oggi: Responsabilità e Governance. XXIV Congresso S.It.E. 2014. Ferrara (Italia), 15-17 settembre 2014.

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Innovative technologies for metals recovery and plastic valorization from electric and electronic waste: an integrated approach
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference C. Brunori, L. Cafiero, R. De Carolis, D. Fontana, R. Guzzinati, M. Pietrantonio, S. Pucciarmati, G.N. Torelli, R. Tuffi
Poster: Innovative technologies for metals recovery and plastic valorization from electric and electronic waste: an integrated approach -
Ecomondo - 2014

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La copertura in legno del palazzo Cadore a Cento (FE): diagnosi e caratterizzazione meccanica di un'antica struttura in antisismica
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference Algarra Cruz E.L., Bruni S., Cellamare C.M., Maino G., Marghella G., Marzo A., Stante L.
"La copertura in legno del palazzo Cadore a Cento (FE): diagnosi e caratterizzazione meccanica di un'antica struttura in antisismica"
Lo stato dell'arte 11 - XI Edizione del Congresso Nazionale IGIIC

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Simulazione a scala nazionale della concentrazione di POP e metalli pesanti. Valutazione degli effetti delle sorgenti nazionali ed estere.
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference Silibello C., Calori G., Costa M.P., Mircea M., Radice P.
5 Convegno Nazionale 'Il controllo degli agenti fisici: ambiente, salute e qualità della vita', Poster presentation, Novara, 6-7-8 giugno 2012.

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Attività della biomassa in bioreattore a membrana per il trattamento di acque reflue.
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference Sabia G., Ferraris M., Spagni A., 2012.
Poster presentation at XXII Congresso SItE, Società Italiana di Ecologia, Ecologia e Gestione Ambientale. Alessandria, 10-13 settembre 2012. Book of abstracts.

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Riduzione dell’impatto ambientale mediante ottimizzazione del ciclo delle acque e recupero energetico nella gestione dei reflui e rifiuti
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference R. Farina, M. Puccetti, D. Saturno, C. M. Cellamare, L. Stante, L. Petta (2011)
-LISEA- Workshop Tecnopolo, ENEA 14 Aprile 2011, Bologna

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Valutazione di una metodologia per la stima della produzione biochimica potenziale di idrogeno e metano
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference D’Accurso S., Casu S., Spagni A.
Presentazione poster alla X Giornata della Chimica dell'Emilia-Romagna della Società Chimica Italiana. 26 Novembre 2010. Parma, Italy

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Caratterizzazione dei sedimenti presenti lungo i litorali veneti per le attività di ripascimento delle spiagge emerse e sommerse
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference J. Barbaro, R. Bueno de Mesquita, M. Cornello, V. Iacovone, M. Gabellini, R. Guzzinati, S. Rizzardi, M. Vazzoler
Poster: Caratterizzazione dei sedimenti presenti lungo i litorali veneti per le attività di ripascimento delle spiagge emerse e sommerse

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Caratterizzazione dei sedimenti costieri ' Integrazione di nuove metodologie di indagine' ARPAV
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference V. Iacovone, R. Guzzinati, M. Vazzoler, A. Correggiari, S. Miserocchi, L. Langone, A. Remia, S. Albertazzi, A. Gallerani, F. Savelli, T. Testi
Poster: Caratterizzazione dei sedimenti costieri ' Integrazione di nuove metodologie di indagine' ARPAV
CNR ISMAR Bologna - 2010

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Biodegradazione del colorante reactive orange 16 mediante un processo continuo di fermentazione abbinata a filtrazione con membrana
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference Casu S., D’Accurso S., Spagni A.
Presentazione poster alla X Giornata della Chimica dell'Emilia-Romagna della Società Chimica Italiana. 26 Novembre 2010. Parma, Italy

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Analisi qualitativa della biomassa microbica tramite Ibridazione fluorescente in-situ (FISH) nella produzione biologica di idrogeno da rifiuti agroindustriali con fermentazione anaerobica al buio
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference C. M. Cellamare, A. Spagni, A. Giordano, R. Farina e L. Stante (2008)
Presentazione e poster, Meeting di Microbiologia Ambientale (BMMA), 23-24 Maggio 2008, Bertinoro

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Geochemical and microbiological monitoring of the sediments of 'Sacca di Goro' coastal lagoon (Po River Delta)
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference L. Bertelli, A. Malaguti, E. Tesini, L. Stante, C. Vaccaro, C. M. Cellamare
Poster VI Forum Italiano Scienze della Terra, Rimini 12-14 Settembre 2007

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The geochemical and microbiological features of the sediments of Sacca di Goro coastal lagoon (Po River Delta)
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference L. Bertelli, A. Malaguti, E. Tesini, L. Stante, C. Vaccaro, C. M. Cellamare
Poster, SedNet - Symposium "Sediment key-issues between the river and the sea", Venezia 23-24 Novembre 2006

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Qualità delle acque
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference C.M. Cellamare
Poster, R2B Reserch to Business, Bologna 2006

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Monitoring and control of a pilot scale sequencing batch reactor by a decision support system based on neural networks
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference Luccarini L., Ciappelloni F., Spagni A., Fiocchi N.
AISEM 2005, Poster presentation to the 10th National Conference on Sensors and Microsystems, Florence, Italy, February 15-17 2005. Book of Abstracts.

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Membrane treatment of Municipal Wastewaters for agricultural reuse in southern Italy
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference Innella C., Portofino S., Spagni A., Canonico A.
Presentazione poster. 2nd Convention Nazionale A.R.G. (Ambiente Ricerca Giovani). Rotondella (MT) 23-26 Ottobre 2001

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Indagini idrobiologiche in un lago di cava nella golena del Po
Pubblication type Poster National Conference with referee
Reference Gazzola S., Demaldè E., Rossetti G., Spagni A., Viaroli P.
Presentato come poster al 13 Congresso AIOL (Associazione Italiana di Oceanografia e Limnologia), Ancona, 28-30 Settembre 1998

  Pubblication type  Book chapter (21 records; click here to hide/show)
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Establishing a Green Energy Transition Process in COVID Times
Pubblication type Book chapter

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An Anthropology of the Co-Emergency: Getting Inspired bt the Covid 19 for a Natural Economy
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Roberta Chiarini

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Definitions of Positive Energy Districts: A Review of the Status Quo and Challenges
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Albert-Seifried, V. et al. (2022). Definitions of Positive Energy Districts: A Review of the Status Quo and Challenges.
In: Littlewood, J.R., Howlett, R.J., Jain, L.C. (eds) Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2021 . Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 263. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-6269-0_41
Keywords Positive energy districts, Definition framework, PED challenges

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Investigation of the potential energy saving in a pilot-scale sequencing batch reactor
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference In: Sewage Treatment Plants: Economic Evaluation of Innovative Technologies for Energy Efficiency - Editor(s): Konstantinos P. Tsagarakis and Katerina Stamatelatou - IWA PUBLISHING Pages: 376. Publication Date: 27 Feb 2015
ISBN: 9781780405018.

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Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Pagano P.
In: "La Persona nelle Filosofie Ambientali" a cura di A. Poli, pagg. 5-7, Limina Mentis Editore, 2012

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From lab-scale to full-scale biogas plants. In: Birefinery: from biomass to chemicals and fuels.
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Farina R., Spagni A., 2012.
Aresta M., Dibenedetto A., Dumeignil F. (Eds), De Gruyter, Berlin. Pp.405-435.

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Evoluzionismo, filosofie ambientali e politica propositiva
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Pagano P.
In: "La Persona nelle Filosofie Ambientali" a cura di A. Poli, pagg. 57-82, Limina Mentis Editore, 2012

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Ambientalismo Propositivo
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Pagano P.
In: "Etiche dell'ambiente: voci e prospettive" a cura di M. Andreozzi, Led Edizioni, 2012

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Sviluppo sostenibile, scienza e ambientalismo propositivo
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Pagano P.
In: "Sviluppo sostenibile - discipline a confronto in cammino verso il futuro", a cura di Fabio Fineschi, Edizioni ETS, Pisa, pp.71-76, 2011

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Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference R. Buonamici, P. Buttol, F. Cappellaro, V. Fantin, P. Masoni, P. Porta, C. Rinaldi, S. Scalbi, A. Zamagni, 'Capitolo 3: TECNOLOGIE/METODOLOGIE DI PRODOTTO' in LE TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI PER LO SVILUPPO SOSTENIBILE a cura di C. Brunori e R. Morabito, Quaderno Tecnologie e Ambiente, Edizioni ENEA in corso di pubblicazione
Keywords LCA

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Le acque superficiali negli Studi di Impatto Ambientale delle infrastrutture viarie
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Cellamare C.M., Levizzari R., Litido M., Pasca M., Sgroi s., Stante L., Tesini E.
Atti del Convegno Nazionale organizzato da Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana in collaborazione con Irpi Cnr e Sigea su "Le acque di superficie e sotterranee e le infrastrutture di trasporto dalla pianificazione all'esercizio. Reti stradali e ferroviarie e sistemi idrici naturali ed artificiali: interferenze reciproche". Roma 6-7 maggio 2010. Collana LaSintesi-Scienze Ambientali, Vol.I, pag. 131-151. Ed. Di Virgilio, Roma, (2010), ISBN:978-88-903062-9-7

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Climate Change Perception: the case of Italy
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Valpreda E., Chiarini R.
in 'Ethics and Climate Change' Scenarios for Justice and Sustainability,
Fondazione Lanza ISBN 978 88 6129 554 4 9 7 8 8 8 6 1 2 9 5 5 4 4, 2010

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Knowledge Exchange Infrastructure to Support Extended Smart Garment Organizations
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference P, De Sabbata, N, Gessa, G, D’Agosta, M. Busanelli, C. Novelli, 'Knowledge Exchange Infrastructure to Support Extended Smart Garment Organizations', in 'Transforming Clothing production into a demand driven, knowledge based high tech industry, the Leapfrog Paradigm', edited by Lutz Walter, George-Alexander Kartsounis, Stefano Carosio, Springer Verlag, London, 2009, ISBN 978-1-84882-607-6
Keywords smart garment organisation, interoperability, standard, textile/clothing industry

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Long - term monitoring of wet and dry depositions in a Po Valley City (Bologna, Italy)
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Morselli L., Bernardi E., Vassura I., Passarini F., Tesini E.
in: 'Acid Rain Research Focus', pp. 77 - 107, Nova Science Publishers Inc, HAUPPAUGE NY (2008)

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Antropocentrismo e biocentrismo. Ricerca di una integrazione dialettica
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Pagano P., Di Natale M.
In: "Una nuova etica per l'ambiente", a cura di C. Quarta, edizioni Dedalo, pp. 117-131, 2006

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Isotopi stabili in applicazioni ambientali
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Malaguti A., Tesini E.
in 'Presenza e diffusione dell’arsenico nel sottosuolo e nelle risorse idriche italiane', AA.VV., Ed. I Quaderni di Arpa, ISBN 88-87854-17-3, Bologna (2005)

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Microrganismi tipici del fango attivo polifosfatico
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference C. M. Cellamare, L. Stante, G. Bortone
Atlante fotografico 'Guida all’analisi microscopica del fango attivo' AGAC, Universita’ degli studi di Parma, 2003

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"Fitorisanamento"; "Biorisanamento"; "Estrazione di vapore dal suolo"; "Air Sparging"
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference C. M. Cellamare
In "Tecnologie di Bonifica dei siti inquinati, Rassegna dei principi operativi e dei criteri di selezione"; a cura di Simonetta Tunesi e Quintilio Napoleoni -
Collana I libri di Ambiente e Sicurezza; Il Sole 24 ore; 2003

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Estabilishing a Green Energy Transition process in COVID
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Felipe Barroco Fontes Cunha, Francesca Cappellaro, Claudia Carani, Gianluca D’Agosta, Piero De Sabbata, Danila Longo et al.

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Estabilishing a Green Energy Transition process in COVID
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Felipe Barroco Fontes Cunha, Francesca Cappellaro, Claudia Carani, Gianluca D’Agosta, Piero De Sabbata, Danila Longo et al.

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Dinamica di crescita di microalghe e potere trofico delle acque delle Valli di Comacchio
Pubblication type Book chapter
Reference Boni L., Guerrini F., Malaguti A., Pistocchi R., Tesini E.
in 'VI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Ecologia', Ed. ZARA, Venezia (1995)

  Pubblication type  Book (14 records; click here to hide/show)
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Le comunità energetiche in Italia. Una guida per orientare i cittadini nel nuovo mercato dell’energia
Pubblication type Book
Reference "Le comunità energetiche in Italia. Una guida per orientare i cittadini nel nuovo mercato dell’energia", A cura di: Felipe Barroco, Francesca Cappellaro, Carmen Palumbo, Autori Felipe Barroco (AESS), Alberto Borghetti (UniBo), Francesca Cappellaro (ENEA), Claudia Carani (AESS), Roberta Chiarini (ENEA), Gianluca D’Agosta (ENEA), Piero De Sabbata (ENEA), Fabio Napolitano (UniBo), Giuseppe Nigliaccio (ENEA), Carlo Alberto Nucci (UniBo), Camillo Orozco Corredor (UniBo), Carmen Palumbo (AESS), Stefano Pizzuti (ENEA), Giorgia Pulazza (UniBo), Sabrina Romano (ENEA), Fabio Tossani (UniBo), Edi Valpreda (ENEA)
editore ENEA, anno 2020, DOI: 10.12910/DOC2020-012
Keywords energy community, renewable sources

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Le comunità energetiche in Italia. Una guida per orientare i cittadini nel nuovo mercato dell’energia
Pubblication type Book
Reference "Le comunità energetiche in Italia. Una guida per orientare i cittadini nel nuovo mercato dell’energia", A cura di: Felipe Barroco, Francesca Cappellaro, Carmen Palumbo, Autori Felipe Barroco (AESS), Alberto Borghetti (UniBo), Francesca Cappellaro (ENEA), Claudia Carani (AESS), Roberta Chiarini (ENEA), Gianluca D’Agosta (ENEA), Piero De Sabbata (ENEA), Fabio Napolitano (UniBo), Giuseppe Nigliaccio (ENEA), Carlo Alberto Nucci (UniBo), Camillo Orozco Corredor (UniBo), Carmen Palumbo (AESS), Stefano Pizzuti (ENEA), Giorgia Pulazza (UniBo), Sabrina Romano (ENEA), Fabio Tossani (UniBo), Edi Valpreda (ENEA)
editore ENEA, anno 2020, DOI: 10.12910/DOC2020-012
Keywords energy community, renewable sources

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Storia del pensiero biologico evolutivo (con riflessioni di filosofia ambientale)
Pubblication type Book
Reference ENEA Edizioni, 2013

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Fanghi di depurazione. Produzione, caratterizzazione e trattamento.
Pubblication type Book
Reference De Feo G., De Gisi S., Galasso M. (2013),
Dario Flaccovio Editore Srl, ISBN 8857902110, 192 pagine.

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Rifiuti Solidi, Progettazione e gestione di impianti per il trattamento e lo smaltimento
Pubblication type Book
Reference De Feo G., De Gisi S., Galasso M. (2012),
Dario Flaccovio Editore Srl, ISBN 9788857901336, 816 pagine.

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La Politica Propositiva. Il governo nella globalizzazione e nel multiculturalismo
Pubblication type Book
Reference Pagano P.
Limina Mentis Editore, 2012

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Acque reflue, Progettazione e gestione di impianti per il trattamento e lo smaltimento.
Pubblication type Book
Reference De Feo G., De Gisi S., Galasso M. (2012),
Dario Flaccovio Editore Srl, ISBN 9788857901183, 1244 pagine.

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Pesci da Museo - Saggetto sulla manifattura dei marinati in Comacchio
Pubblication type Book
Reference De Vanna A.
in AA.VV.
Parco del Delta del Po dell'Emilia Romagna (2007)

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Alla ricerca dell'uomo: brevi saggi sull'uomo e sull'ambiente
Pubblication type Book
Reference Pagano P.
Alberto Perdisa Editore 2005

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Il Sole a Scuola
Pubblication type Book
Reference De Vanna A. in AA.VV.
Accordo di Programma ENEA-MURST (Ministero dell’Ambiente e del Territorio, Dipartimento per la protezione ambientale - Direzione per l’inquinamento e i rischi industriali), MIUR (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, Direzione Generale per lo status dello studente e delle politiche giovanili)
Collana di Libri per le scuole
ENEA (2004)

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Relazione sullo Stato dell’Ambiente Junior (RSA Junior)
Pubblication type Book
Reference De Vanna A.
in AA.VV.
Accordo di Programma ENEA-MURST (Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica), Servizio Valutazione Impatto Ambientale (VIA), Servizio Sviluppo Sostenibile (SvS)
Libro per le scuole
Ministero dell’Ambiente (2002)

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Filosofia Ambientale
Pubblication type Book
Reference Pagano P.
Mattioli 1885 Editore, 2002, Ristampe 2005-2006

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Lo stato dell’arte dell’applicazione dei sistemi di gestione ambientale ad aree naturali protette o di alto valore ecologico
Pubblication type Book
Reference Naviglio L., Pagano P., Tesini E. (a cura di)
ENEA, Roma (2001), ISBN 88-8286-003

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Maestra, ho pensato a una lampadina a colori!
Pubblication type Book
Reference Famiglietti M., De Vanna A.
Rapporto di collaborazione con IRRSAE-ER (Istituto Regionale di Ricerca Sperimentazione e Aggiornamento Educativi dell’Emilia Romagna)
Libro per le scuole
Tip.le.co. Editore Piacenza (99)

  Pubblication type  Project report or deliverable (50 records; click here to hide/show)
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Potential contribution to standardization from TRICK project
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., & Canepa, A. (2024). Potential contribution to standardization from TRICK project (1.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13951656
Keywords Standardization, eBIZ, Blockchain, Customs, Digital Product Passport, Traceability, Sustainability, Transparency, Circularity, Product Environmental Footprint

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Harmonized set of semantic standards, ontologies, nomenclatures
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., Fantin, V., Scalbi, S., Massa, G., & Brutti, A. (2022). Harmonized set of semantic standards, ontologies, nomenclatures (2.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14006995
Keywords Interoperability, standard, data model, ontologies, PEF, environmental impact

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Data Model and domain-specific ontologies implementation
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., Massa, G., & Brutti, A. (2022). Data Model and domain-specific ontologies implementation (2.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14007106
Keywords Interoperability, Standard, Data model, Ontologies, eBIZ, Data exchange, Sustainability data collection, traceability data collection

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Gas content analysis in saturated-unsaturated transition area and in the groundwater to support the investigation for the geological disposal of radioactive wastes
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference EUROSAFE https://www.eurosafe-forum.org/node/604

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Microscopia elettronica a scansione su campioni in fase liquida. Metodica ed esempi.
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference MET-P000-016
Repository reference DI138-028

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La spettrometria di massa come tecnica applicata alla tracciabilità analitica degli alimenti
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference SICNUC-PD29-001
Repository reference DI138-029

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Indagini radioecologiche relative alla localizzazione in sicurezza del deposito nazionale
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference ADPFISS-LP1-115
Repository reference DI138-019

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European Project "CArbon-14 Source Term" CAST
Deliverable D4.5
Final report on the estimation of the source term and speciation
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference SICNUC-PC78-001
Repository reference DI138-020

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Contributo alla piattaforma IGD-TP e altre iniziative internazionali sulla gestione dei rifiuti radioattivi
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference ADPFISS-LP1-117, pp. 1-22.
Repository reference DI138-021

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Aspetti metodologici per la sicurezza delle sorgenti radioattive: GALAXY SERPENT EXERCISE v3
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference ADPFISS-LP1-123
Repository reference DI138-024

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Stato di avanzamento delle attività e primi risultati ottenuti consistenti alla ricerca bibliografica scientifica, individuazione dei casi di studio più aderenti all'argomento della ricerca e definizione di un approccio sperimentale.
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference SICNUC-PE46-001
Repository reference DI138-023

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Contributo alla piattaforma IGD-TP e altre iniziative internazionali sulla gestione dei rifiuti radioattivi
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference ADPFISS-LP1-099
Repository reference DI138-027

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Caratterizzazione geologica del sito per la localizzazione del deposito nazionale dei rifiuti radioattivi: individuazione delle faglie attive
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference ADPFISS-LP1-097
Repository reference DI138-022

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Report: Time for Energy Efficiency in Textiles SMEs
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Report: Time for Energy Efficiency in Textiles SMEs, Report pubblico pubblicato dal progetto SET (Deliverable D4.1)
Repository reference DI456-068
Keywords energy efficiency, textile, sme, energy saving, ICT for energy uses, decision support, benchmark

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Indagini radioecologiche relative alla localizzazione in sicurezza del deposito nazionale
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference ADPFISS-LP1_085
Repository reference DI138-026

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Contributo alla piattaforma IGD-TP e altre iniziative internazionali sulla gestione dei rifiuti radioattivi
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference ADPFISS-LP1_076
Repository reference DI138-025

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Safe reuse of treated wastewater in agriculture in Lebanon.

Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Technical report for the Ministry of Environment of Lebanon.
Cooperation between ENEA and Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo in Libano e Siria, June 2014.

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Funzione dell’ecosistema 'macero' sui processi di trasformazione biochimica delle molecole azotate sfuggite al comparto agricolo.
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference BUSI S., TESINI E.
Technology Report 2013-2014 PIATTAFORMA ENERGIA AMBIENTE

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"Gestione razionale delle risorse, Vie e sistemi innovativi per il risparmio dell’acqua".
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference FAILLA, B.
Rapporto di Progetto ACQUASAVE, ENEA UTVALAMB IDR, 03 luglio 2014.

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Sviluppo di un modello di emissione di composti organici volatili biogenici (BCOV).
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Mircea M., Briganti G., Cappelletti A., Ciancarella l., Zanini G.
Rapporto tecnico-scientifico consegna di progetto al MATTM 13/06/2013 [progetto Accordo di Collaborazione con il Ministero dell’Ambiente del Territorio e della Tutela del Mare finalizzato allo sviluppo di stazioni di misurazione della qualità dell’aria]. 2013

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Relazione sintetica sullo stato dell’arte‖ delle metodologie adottate per quantificare il contributo delle polveri desertiche nel mondo ed, in particolare, in Europa e nel bacino Mediterraneo.
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Mircea M., Righini G., Ciancarella l., Zanini G.
Rapporto tecnico-scientifico consegna di progetto al MATTM 13/06/2013 [progetto Accordo di Collaborazione con il Ministero dell’Ambiente del Territorio e della Tutela del Mare finalizzato allo sviluppo di stazioni di misurazione della qualità dell’aria]. 2013

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Rappresentatività spaziale di misure di qualità dell'aria. Valutazione di un metodo di stima basato sull’uso di 'BACKWARD TRAJECTORIES'.
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Vitali L., Ciancarella L., Cionni I., Cremona G., Piersanti A., Righini G.
Rapporto tecnico-scientifico RT/2013/15/ENEA consegna di progetto al MATTM 13/06/2013 [progetto Accordo di Collaborazione con il Ministero dell’Ambiente del Territorio e della Tutela del Mare finalizzato allo sviluppo di stazioni di misurazione della qualità dell’aria].

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Rapporto tecnico-scientifico consegna di progetto al MATTM 13/06/2013 [progetto Accordo di Collaborazione con il Ministero dell’Ambiente del Territorio e della Tutela del Mare finalizzato allo sviluppo di stazioni di misurazione della qualità dell’aria].
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Mircea M., Briganti G., Cappelletti A., Ciancarella l., Zanini G.

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Nature and Culture: the necessarily undivision that permeate every days human actions.
An Antartica experience.
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Keywords Eco-riuals, semmiotic geography, economie de la connaissance.

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Report modelli emissioni biogeniche
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Mircea, M.
Rapporto tecnico scientifico, consegna di progetto al MATTM 14/12/2012 [progetto Accordo di Collaborazione con il Ministero dell’Ambiente del Territorio e della Tutela del Mare finalizzato allo sviluppo di stazioni di misurazione della qualità dell’aria].

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Report del progetto VIIAS
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Ciancarella, L.
Metodi valutazione integrata dell'impatto ambientale e sanitario dell'inquinamento atmosferico. 2012

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Rappresentatività spaziale di misure della qualità dell’aria. Valutazione di un metodo di stima basato sull’uso di dati emissivi spazializzati.
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Ciancarella L., Cappelletti A., Ciucci A., Cremona G., Piersanti A., Righini G., Vitali L.
Rapporto tecnico scientifico RT/2013/2/ENEA, consegna di progetto al MATTM 14/12/2012 [progetto Accordo di Collaborazione con il Ministero dell’Ambiente del Territorio e della Tutela del Mare finalizzato allo sviluppo di stazioni di misurazione della qualità dell’aria].

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Rappresentatività spaziale di misure della qualità dell’aria. Valutazione di un metodo di stima basato sull’analisi dei campi di concentrazione simulati dal modello nazionale MINNI.
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Ciancarella L., Cionni I., Cremona G., Piersanti A., Righini G., Vitali L.
Rapporto tecnico scientifico RT/2013/3/ENEA, consegna di progetto al MATTM 14/12/2012 [progetto Accordo di Collaborazione con il Ministero dell’Ambiente del Territorio e della Tutela del Mare finalizzato allo sviluppo di stazioni di misurazione della qualità dell’aria].

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Rappresentatività spaziale di misure della qualità dell’aria. Valutazione di un metodo di stima basato su fattori oggettivi.
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Ciancarella L., Cremona G., Piersanti A., Righini G., Vitali L.
Rapporto tecnico scientifico RT/2013/1/ENEA, consegna di progetto al MATTM 22/06/2012 [progetto Accordo di Collaborazione con il Ministero dell’Ambiente del Territorio e della Tutela del Mare finalizzato allo sviluppo di stazioni di misurazione della qualità dell’aria].

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Composizione chimica dell’aerosol in 15 città: ricostruzione per l’anno 2007 con il sistema modellistico dell’atmosfera del progetto MINNI
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Mircea M., Piersanti A., D’Isidoro M., Cionni I., Righini G., Vitali L., Briganti G., Cappelletti A., Ciancarella L., Zanini G.
Report progetto EPIAIR-2 - Sorveglianza epidemiologica.

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ARSITA, etnografia di una ricostruzione. Indagine ad osservazione partecipante nella zona terremotata del Comune di Arsita (TE)
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference AA.VV. PIANO DI RICOSTRUZIONE DEL COMUNE DI ARSITA (TE) a seguito dell’evento sismico del 6/04/2009

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Valutazione delle sorgenti prevalenti di inquinanti in aree agricole. Studio sulle dinamiche ambientali dell'azoto: suolo, acqua e vegetazione acquatica
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Tesini E., Busi S., Castaldelli G., Levizzari R., Vincenzi F.
UTVALAMB-P9Q6-006 (2011)

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Trends and opportunities in interoperability standardisation, The perspective of the COIN Integrated Research project
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Report 'Trends and opportunities in interoperability standardisation, The perspective of the COIN Integrated Research project', Piero De Sabbata, Arianna Brutti, Cristiano Novelli, Roberto V. Zicari
Keywords research, standardisation, interoperability, COIN

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Riproduzione dei rilievi della tomba di Horemheb mediante integrazione di tecnologie cad-cam
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable

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Analisi dell’idoneità dei sedimenti presenti lungo il litorale veneto per attività di ripascimento delle spiagge emerse e sommerse' ARPAV
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference R. Guzzinati
Relazione di fine Progetto: 'Analisi dell’idoneità dei sedimenti presenti lungo il litorale veneto per attività di ripascimento delle spiagge emerse e sommerse' ARPAV -
CNR ISMAR Bologna 2010

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Programma di monitoraggio per il controllo dell’ambiente marino-costiero prospiciente la Regione del Veneto. Triennio 2008-2011
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference R. Guzzinati
Relazione: "Programma di monitoraggio per il controllo dell’ambiente marino-costiero prospiciente la Regione del Veneto. Triennio 2008-2011' Il litorale veneto, territorio pressioni e stato delle acque costiere (agosto 2008 - luglio 2009) - Regione Veneto, ARPAV Settore Acque, Osservatorio Alto Adriatico, 2009

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Un sistema di gestione delle acque reflue nell’isola di Pantelleria
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference AA.VV.
Rapporto finale relativo al Progetto 5.2 'Sostenibilità ambientale nelle isole minori', nell’ambito dell’Accordo di Programma ENEA - Ministero dell’Ambiente, .
Linea di intervento 'Risanamento del territorio, delle aree urbane e delle acque'. Marzo 2002

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Sand Filter Unit Process
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference L. Petta
Contributo tecnico al Final Report of the 5th Working Group Meeting 'Scenarios for solid and liquid waste handling & Evaluation of scenario implementation', pag.8.
Nell’ambito della Thematic Network COST 624 'Optimal Management of Wastewater Systems'. http://www.ensic.u-nancy.fr/COSTWWTP/

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Rapporto finale relativo al Progetto di ricerca PR12/E "Sviluppo di metodologie e tecnologie avanzate per la bonifica di suoli contaminati'
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference A cura di R. Farina e L. Petta
Linea di ricerca 'Rimozione biologica di nitrati da acque di falda inquinate mediante bioreattori a membrana. Maggio 2001

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Da Babele alla Città del Sole
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference De Vanna A.
in AA.VV.
Progetto di Educazione Ambientale in collaborazione con Regione Emilia Romagna (RETE INFEA), IRRSAE-ER (Istituto Regionale di Ricerca Sperimentazione e Aggiornamento Educativi dell’Emilia Romagna), Scuola Elementare di Tolè, Ecoenergie della Comunicazione s.a.s (2001)
Testo per le scuole

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Costs - Building Materials
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference L. Petta
Contributo tecnico al Final Report of the 5th Working Group Meeting 'Scenarios for solid and liquid waste handling & Evaluation of scenario implementation', pag.9.
Nell’ambito della Thematic Network COST 624 'Optimal Management of Wastewater Systems'. http://www.ensic.u-nancy.fr/COSTWWTP/

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Informatica e Qualità. Un esempio applicativo sull’ambiente
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference De Vanna A., Moretti L.
Accordo di Programma ENEA-MURST (Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica), Regione Emilia Romagna, Provincia di Bologna, Parco dei due Laghi
Rapporto ENEA AMB CAT FRAL (98)

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Le classi sociali come risultato degli interventi giuridico-economici sul territorio
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference De Vanna A.
Studio Ambientale Integrato Valli di Comacchio
Rapporto di collaborazione con Regione Emilia Romagna (Assessorato all’Ambiente e Territorio ), Amministrazione Provinciale di Ferrara, Bologna, Modena e Ravenna (Assessorato all’Ambiente ), Comune di Comacchio, Parco del Delta del Po
Collana L'uomo e il suo ambiente, interrelazioni e identità. Quaderni di Storia sociale.
Rapporto ENEA AMB MON AMCOS (95)

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Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale e aspetti socio-economici. Un’esperienza di studio
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference De Vanna A., Monticelli R.
Rapporto di collaborazione con Regione Emilia Romagna (Assessorato alla Formazione Professionale, Lavoro, Scuola e Università), Amministrazione Provinciale di Bologna (Assessorato alla Formazione Professionale), Comune di Imola (Centro Pubblico di Formazione Professionale), Università degli Studi di Bologna - Dipartimento di Sociologia - CISCAC (Centro Interuniversitario Studi sui Comportamenti Ambientali e di Consumo delle Università di Bologna e di Parma) - LISA (Laboratorio di Indagini Socio-economiche e Antropo-ambientali)
Collana L'uomo e il suo ambiente, interrelazioni e identità. Quaderni di Storia sociale.
Rapporto ENEA AMB MON AMCOS (94)

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Opinioni e atteggiamenti sull'Alta Velocità a Bologna. Studio preliminare.
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference De Vanna A.
in AA.VV.
Rapporto di collaborazione con Regione Emilia Romagna (Assessorato alla Formazione Professionale, Lavoro, Scuola e Università), Amministrazione Provinciale di Bologna (Assessorato alla Formazione Professionale), Comune di Imola (Centro Pubblico di Formazione Professionale), Università degli Studi di Bologna - Dipartimento di Sociologia - CISCAC (Centro Interuniversitario Studi sui Comportamenti Ambientali e di Consumo delle Università di Bologna e di Parma) - LISA (Laboratorio di Indagini Socio-economiche e Antropo-ambientali)
Rapporto ENEA AMB MON AMCOS (94)

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L'insediamento sociale nel ferrarese legato all'evoluzione geomorfologica e idrografica del territorio
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference De Vanna A., Monticelli R.
Studio Ambientale Integrato Valli di Comacchio
Rapporto di collaborazione con Regione Emilia Romagna (Assessorato all’Ambiente e Territorio ), Amministrazione Provinciale di Ferrara, Bologna, Modena e Ravenna (Assessorato all’Ambiente ), Comune di Comacchio, Parco del Delta del Po
Collana L'uomo e il suo ambiente, interrelazioni e identità. Quaderni di Storia sociale.
Rapporto ENEA AMB MON AMCOS (94)

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Viaggio storico introspettivo nel territorio ferrarese. Le testimonianze del passato
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference De Vanna A.
Studio Ambientale Integrato Valli di Comacchio
Rapporto di collaborazione con Regione Emilia Romagna (Assessorato all’Ambiente e Territorio ), Amministrazione Provinciale di Ferrara, Bologna, Modena e Ravenna (Assessorato all’Ambiente ), Comune di Comacchio, Parco del Delta del Po
Collana L'uomo e il suo ambiente, interrelazioni e identità. Quaderni di Storia sociale.
Rapporto ENEA AMB MON AMCOS (93)

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La rappresentazione cartografica del territorio. Simbolismo e scientificità.
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference De Vanna A.
Studio Ambientale Integrato Valli di Comacchio
Rapporto di collaborazione con Regione Emilia Romagna (Assessorato all’Ambiente e Territorio ), Amministrazione Provinciale di Ferrara, Bologna, Modena e Ravenna (Assessorato all’Ambiente), Comune di Comacchio, Parco del Delta del Po
Collana L'uomo e il suo ambiente, interrelazioni e identità. Quaderni di Storia sociale.
Rapporto ENEA AMB MON AMCOS (92)

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Studio osservativo sugli atteggiamenti della popolazione di Comacchio
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Gremigni P., De Vanna A.
Studio Ambientale Integrato Valli di Comacchio
Rapporto di collaborazione con Regione Emilia Romagna (Assessorato all'Ambiente e Territorio), Amministrazione Provinciale di Ferrara, Bologna, Modena e Ravenna (Assessorato all’Ambiente), Comune di Comacchio, Parco del Delta del Po
Collana L'uomo e il suo ambiente, interrelazioni e identità. Quaderni di Storia sociale.
Rapporto ENEA AMB MON AMCOS (91)

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Attività in campo geologico nelle Valli di Comacchio (1988-1989)
Pubblication type Project report or deliverable
Reference Vincenzi D., Valpreda E., Lenzi G., Olivieri P., Barilli L., Tesini E., Mazzone N., Bucci M., Anselmi B., Girolimetti G., Brandimarte U., Gorelli V.

  Pubblication type  Internal report (ENEA) (11 records; click here to hide/show)
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Relazioni e scambi fra acque superficiali e sotterranee attraverso la datazione delle risorse idriche con traccianti isotopici cosmogenici

Pubblication type Internal report (ENEA)
Reference SICNUC-P000-049 (2022), pp 1-34.

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ICP-MS Triplo Quadrupolo come tecnica analitica per la definizione dell'impronta in traccia e ultra-traccia di olio extravergine di oliva.

Pubblication type Internal report (ENEA)
Reference SICNUC-P000-052 (2022), pp. 1-40.

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Experimental Study on Molybdenum Dissolution

Pubblication type Internal report (ENEA)
Reference SG-T-R-590 (2022), pp. 1-18.

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Da rifiuto a risorsa
Pubblication type Internal report (ENEA)
Reference SICNUC-P000-051 (2022)

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PROGETTO RAFAEL: sensori per gas radioattivi e tossici
Pubblication type Internal report (ENEA)
Reference SICNUC-P000-042 (2021), pp 1-43.

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High Performance Computing on CRESCO Infrastructure: research activity and results 2020
Pubblication type Internal report (ENEA)
Reference ISBN: 978-88-8286-429-3

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Ciclo di vita del cloro in ambiente geochimico e sviluppo di una metodologia di campionamento del percolato in acque sotterranee
Pubblication type Internal report (ENEA)
Reference SICNUC-P000-040 (2021)
Repository reference DO138-004

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Ciclo di vita del cloro in ambiente geochimico
Pubblication type Internal report (ENEA)
Reference SICNUC-P000-036 (2021)
Repository reference DO138-003

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Campionamento di gas nobili in aria e nel sottosuolo utilizzando un germanio ad alta purezza a basso fondo
Pubblication type Internal report (ENEA)
Reference SICNUC-P000-039 (2021)
Repository reference DO138-005

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Metodologia per an