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Applications of Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy as a rapid diagnostic test for COVID19
Autori Ubaldini A, Rizzo A, Telloli C.  Anno 2020
Tipologia Poster Conferenza Internazionale con referaggio
Abstract Raman spectroscopy is a spectroscopic technique typically used to determine vibrational modes of molecules. It is widely used in the study of solids, liquids and even gaseous. It is a fast, non-destructive technique that often requires no sample preparation. One of the recent developments in Raman spectroscopy is the Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, which exploits the amplification of the Raman effect by molecules adsorbed on a metal surface. The technique is sensitive enough to recognize individual molecules, individual antibodies or nucleic acid fragments by sampling their presence in small biological samples, such as saliva or blood. The biological sample can be diluted with suitable solvents and quickly transferred by means of microfluidic devices directly to the area of focus in the laser, reducing the analysis times and allowing routine analyzes. The Traceability Laboratory (FSN-SICNUC-TNMT) of ENEA in Bologna (Italy) is designing and creating a substrate suitable for the measurement of the pathogen COVID-19 through surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. With the ability to real-time diagnoses and with high resolution from a low concentration sample, a sensor of this type is much more reliable than the actual COVID-19 rapid test. Once the sample is prepared and placed on Raman microscope, the device can instantly confirm a positivity or a negativity for COVID-19, with a much more effective diagnostic response thanks to the greater sensitivity.
Referenza_Bibliografica ECOMONDO 2020
Unita di Ricerca TRAC
LastUpdate 04/03/2021
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