Topic code |
1.1. Renewable energy sources
Subclasses of the research Topic
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Renewable energy sources
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Produced bibliography on the topic
Estabilishing a Green Energy Transition process in COVID
Felipe Barroco Fontes Cunha, Francesca Cappellaro, Claudia Carani, Gianluca D’Agosta, Piero De Sabba...
Book chapter
Parametrization of self-consumption and self-sufficiency in Renewable Energy Communities: a case study application
Carlo Petrovich, Samuele Branchetti, Gianluca D’Agosta, Parametrization of self-consumption and self...
Paper International Journal with referee
Establishing a Green Energy Transition Process in COVID Times
Book chapter
PV self-consumption and self-sufficiency for household and office users: The lockdown effects during the COVID-19 pandemic
Branchetti, S., Petrovich, C., Naldi, R., Paponetti, I.M., Paolucci, F., Nigliaccio, G. (2022). PV s...
Paper International Journal with referee
Implementing energy transition and SDGs targets throughout energy community schemes
Francesca Cappellaro, Gianluca D’Agosta, Piero De Sabbata, Felipe Barroco, Claudia Carani, Alberto B...
Paper International Journal with referee
The Lockdown and Smart Working Effects on Electric Energy Consumption: the Analysis for a Group of Employees
Branchetti S., Petrovich C., Nigliaccio G., Paolucci F. (2021) The Lockdown and Smart Working Effec...
Paper International Conference with referee
Evaluation of aeration pretreatment to prepare an inoculum for the two-stage hydrogen and methane production process.
Giordano A., Sarli V., Lavagnolo M.C., Spagni A., 2014. Bioresource Technology, 166: 211-218....
Paper International Journal with referee
Thermophilic two-phase anaerobic digestion of source-sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste for bio-hythane production: Effect of recirculation sludge on process stability and microbiology over a long-term pilot-scale experience
Giuliano, A., Zanetti, L., Micolucci, F., Cavinato, C. Water Science and Technology Volume 69, Issu...
Paper International Journal with referee
Tecnologie di digestione anaerobica della frazione organica dei rifiuti solidi urbani
Giuliano, A., Farina, R. Economia circolare: recuperare risorse e creare lavoro. Frazione Organica:...
Innovative two-stage anaerobic process for effective codigestion of cheese whey and cattle manure.
Bertin L., Grilli S., Spagni A., Fava F., 2013. Bioresource Technology, 128: 779-783....
Paper International Journal with referee
Enhanced methane production from rice straw co-digested with anaerobic sludge from pulp and paper mill treatment process.
Mussoline W., Esposito G., Lens P., Spagni A., Giordano A., 2013. Bioresource Technology, 148: 135-...
Paper International Journal with referee
Thermophilic two phase anaerobic digestion of SS-OFMSW for bio-hythane production: effect of recirculation sludge and microbiology in a long-term pilote scale experience
Zanetti, L., Giuliano, A., Bolzonella, D., Micolucci, F., Cavinato, C., Pavan, P. World Congress on...
Paper International Conference with referee
Ottimizzazione dei processi di digestione anaerobica di matrici ad elevata biodegradabilità
Giuliano, A. Bioenergy, Biomasse e rinnovabili Cremona Fiere 28 Febbraio 1 - 2 Marzo 2013....
Soluzioni per incrementare la resa in metano delle biomasse: risultati preliminari dell’applicazione del pretrattamento enzimatico in un impianto a biogas in scala reale
Petta, L., Giuliano, A., Porzio, V., Gamberini, P. Terra e Vita N. 29-30/2013...
Paper National Journal with referee
Co-digestion of livestock effluents, energy crops and agro-waste: Feeding and process optimization in mesophilic and thermophilic conditions.
Giuliano, A., Bolzonella, D., Pavan, P., Cavinato, C., Cecchi, F. Bioresource Technology Volume 128...
Paper International Journal with referee
Evaluation of the treatability of pre-digested distillery wastewater through MBR and chemical post-treatment.
Petta L., Saturno D., Puccetti M., Farina R., Spagni A., 2012. Oral presentation. Proceedings of t...
Paper International Conference with referee
From lab-scale to full-scale biogas plants. In: Birefinery: from biomass to chemicals and fuels.
Farina R., Spagni A., 2012. Aresta M., Dibenedetto A., Dumeignil F. (Eds), De Gruyter, Berlin. Pp....
Book chapter
Stato dell’arte e ottimizzazione di processo per la produzione di bio-hythane dalla FORSU
Giuliano, A., Cavinato, C., Pavan, P., Bolzonella, D., Cecchi, F. 16 Fiera internazionale ECOMONDO ...
Paper National Conference with referee