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Politiche di produzione e consumo sostenibili - PCS
Description The SPC- Sustainable production and consumption are included in UE strategy of sustainable development.
The aim of SPC is reduction of environmental, social end economic impacts of products and services, improving integration among sector polices (energy, resources, waste,..). The SPC integrate sustainable development and economic growth and welfare. The goal of PCS is to minimize environmental impact of products and services during life cycle. So several measures are involved :
- regulation, legal and economic measures, both prescriptive and voluntary
- development of methodologies and technical tools of sustainability
- involvement and information of stakeholders (citizens, business and social partners)
- use of best available technologies,
The SPC tools are : LCA, EMAS, Ecodesign, Ecolabel, Agenda 21,
Keywords LCA screening, ecodesign, on-line
Laboratory LEI
Partner ENEA
Main research topic 2.1 LCA-ECODESIGN
Direct LISEA result Falso
Direct Technopole result Falso
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Code Topic Description ID
2.1 LCA-ECODESIGN Life cycle Assessment and Ecodesign 2

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